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just things that need work

    • 66 posts
    May 25, 2017 12:58 PM PDT

    this is just a topic for you to put ways to improve things i have 2

    1 we should be able to send clan invitations not wait for them to come to us

    2 the toma shoud be able to bounce and still kill iv had a buch of time when it will bounce off the floor hit make the noise and not kill them WTF!!

    • 328 posts
    May 25, 2017 6:45 PM PDT

    ...Isn't thats the reason why someone made a topic where you suggest 5 things...? 

    • 315 posts
    May 25, 2017 10:43 PM PDT
    1. Sending clan invitation features already removed for a long time ago due a lot of idiots keep sending non-stop clan invitation even already rejected many times and I believe you have risk to do that as well. If you believe you clan is so good, people will try to find it. So this idea are rejected

    2. Forget about toma, learn to use gun and train to aim.
    • 285 posts
    May 26, 2017 3:30 AM PDT
    Clan invitation feature should be brought back, as I've seen people inviting players 'manually' anyways. But, as for the problem that made it got removed, a limit should be set, like you can send invitation once per person, so that no one gets spammed by it.
    Regarding toma, it was possible that you could kill someone with it even after a bounce. But among that 'someone', yourself was also getting included, means you could also kill yourself from your own toma, bounced 180° from a wall. This being an accidental instant suicide, was really annoying. Secondly, people could blow others measure of defence through it. Like if you are standing on one side of a corner of 90° pathway, like in Area56, a bounced toma could easily encounter you, which is not what 'toma' is suppose to be used. Toma is suppose to utilize your ability of timing and directionality, not the angle calculation like in bouncing toma kill.
    • 66 posts
    May 26, 2017 7:42 AM PDT

    Zero said:

    ...Isn't thats the reason why someone made a topic where you suggest 5 things...? 

    ........that was me i made that

    • 609 posts
    May 27, 2017 4:12 AM PDT

    rayvenflame said:

    Zero said:

    ...Isn't thats the reason why someone made a topic where you suggest 5 things...? 

    ........that was me i made that

    so you'reb flooding the forums with this type of stuff xd?

    besides what has been suggested in the forum made by chrono i would like to suggest a reduction on the players in game name font size and health bar (as well on the top right corner killer/weapon/victim info)

    (btw does anyone know if the servers-standalone and web version-will be crossed in the future?)

    This post was edited by STERBEN99 at May 29, 2017 3:11 PM PDT
    • 609 posts
    May 29, 2017 3:26 PM PDT

    btw what do you think about this game clans? i mean, i think it begins to be a very big number of them, putting ahead quantity over quality

    • 285 posts
    May 29, 2017 3:34 PM PDT
    I've already wrote it in comment but writing again here, so if anyone else wonders, can know. Here's what max told:
    "Regarding sharing the same servers, for now Standalone version will be separated from Web (Photon dropped support for WebPlayer long time ago so I can't update it to match standalone), but those will be joined once I'll able to release a WebGL update "
    So, Yeah! In future, they'll be crossed.
    • 609 posts
    May 29, 2017 5:29 PM PDT

    DeathBringer908 said: I've already wrote it in comment but writing again here, so if anyone else wonders, can know. Here's what max told: "Regarding sharing the same servers, for now Standalone version will be separated from Web (Photon dropped support for WebPlayer long time ago so I can't update it to match standalone), but those will be joined once I'll able to release a WebGL update " So, Yeah! In future, they'll be crossed.

    i saw your comment this was prior xd

    • 2 posts
    July 12, 2017 1:43 PM PDT

    i would like 

    1.360 degree movement not 180


    • 91 posts
    July 12, 2017 2:55 PM PDT
    Gingergirl said:

    i would like 

    1.360 degree movement not 180


    • 2 posts
    July 28, 2017 12:33 PM PDT

    nvr mind i figured it out