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can there be levels?

    • 956 posts
    January 1, 2023 10:05 AM PST

    I want to point this out that there should be "levels". not campaign levels but rank levels. and level limits. so when in a game, you can choose which level limits you can have. like for instance: all the unregistered are at 0. their level limits are 0-10, which is the very basic. so only the people in that level area can join that match. BTW this "level" thing should be an option, but required. pros like me (LightningStorm calls me a pro so im a pro XD) should be around level 30-50. tryhards and sweats (or non-sweats, which is rare) with all the fancy stuff should be at level 60-100. this could balance the game far more than what we have now.