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  • June 16, 2023 7:26 PM PDT
    Austin, don’t be like space trooper and not read with understanding. He was speaking about Luna clan and our restrictions about the toxic boys joining.
    • 78 posts
    June 16, 2023 7:27 PM PDT

    so can everone just shut the **** up about this whole god damn conversation

    • 57 posts
    June 16, 2023 7:28 PM PDT


    • 445 posts
    June 16, 2023 7:29 PM PDT
    Majesty said:
    Who in the clan is a "rainbow" roy is a straight male (who is in the clan because he is respectful to us, kind and have sense), luna is a female, and I'm a female (who a lot have heard me speak or actually seen my picture). So, come again, who is a "rainbow". You're just mad we (luna and i) said we don't want you toxic, weirdos and low lives in the clan. It's OUR choice. You're making a whole fight over OUR choice and OUR clan, kid you're a GOOFFYY You're lame asf. Get a life. This whole sht is weird asf.

    And I'm to take yall seriously? Mad dem weird and goofies. Man literally making a fight at 9:08 about 2 ladies choice about their clan. Go outside and meet girls or read a book, do something with your life.

    1.i quoted from austins clan descripion which is the "rainbow clan" made to accept everyone yet he is here supporting THIS clan discriminating players by their gender which is just huge hypocrisy from his part (we understand that u r not really educated and didnt udnerstand this part)
    2. literally not a single person being toxic or weird here but YOU (and austina toxic but its a kid and u trying to brainwash him so hard xaxa) everybody on this topic had valid points and tried to have a normal discussion except for YOU typing random feminist? nonsense and austin swearing 24/7 without addressing any of our points.
    also you are in big misunderstanding if you think i was interested to join this clan, im only interested on wokemerises view on this sexist clan
    3. timezones are crazy you should search them up!
    4. talking like some ghetto girl and then calling yourself a lady just made me rofl i rofling so badly XD
    5. do ppl unironically use words like lame or goofy in 2023? for some reason i read your message on a ******** pokiemane voice its weird
  • June 16, 2023 7:30 PM PDT
    Lil bro, I’m not reading that. Take care though.
    • 57 posts
    June 16, 2023 7:31 PM PDT


    • 78 posts
    June 16, 2023 7:31 PM PDT

    Majesty said: Austin, don’t be like space trooper and not read with understanding. He was speaking about Luna clan and our restrictions about the toxic boys joining.

    :/ yes i know 

    • 445 posts
    June 16, 2023 7:32 PM PDT
    Majesty said:
    Austin, don’t be like space trooper and not read with understanding. He was speaking about Luna clan and our restrictions about the toxic boys joining.

    thats pretty awkward considering a kid with the vocabulary of a dead hamster understood it and u didnt..

    based on your comments i doubt you have read any of the others comments on this forum, you just burped random nonsense the whole time
    also based on your comments i doubt you could read it even if you wanted to
    • 445 posts
    June 16, 2023 7:34 PM PDT
    @austin lets take an iq test i will ask you a question and you answer without dodging it/swearing for no reason deal?
    • 78 posts
    June 16, 2023 7:35 PM PDT

    EpicTr0ll said:
    Majesty said: Who in the clan is a "rainbow" roy is a straight male (who is in the clan because he is respectful to us, kind and have sense), luna is a female, and I'm a female (who a lot have heard me speak or actually seen my picture). So, come again, who is a "rainbow". You're just mad we (luna and i) said we don't want you toxic, weirdos and low lives in the clan. It's OUR choice. You're making a whole fight over OUR choice and OUR clan, kid you're a GOOFFYY You're lame asf. Get a life. This whole sht is weird asf. And I'm to take yall seriously? Mad dem weird and goofies. Man literally making a fight at 9:08 about 2 ladies choice about their clan. Go outside and meet girls or read a book, do something with your life.
    1.i quoted from austins clan descripion which is the "rainbow clan" made to accept everyone yet he is here supporting THIS clan discriminating players by their gender which is just huge hypocrisy from his part (we understand that u r not really educated and didnt udnerstand this part) 2. literally not a single person being toxic or weird here but YOU (and austina toxic but its a kid and u trying to brainwash him so hard xaxa) everybody on this topic had valid points and tried to have a normal discussion except for YOU typing random feminist? nonsense and austin swearing 24/7 without addressing any of our points. also you are in big misunderstanding if you think i was interested to join this clan, im only interested on wokemerises view on this sexist clan 3. timezones are crazy you should search them up! 4. talking like some ghetto girl and then calling yourself a lady just made me rofl i rofling so badly XD 5. do ppl unironically use words like lame or goofy in 2023? for some reason i read your message on a ******** pokiemane voice its weird

    ok 1 austina:rofl: i love it

    2 again how am i being toxic?

    3 i dont remember seeing her put shes a ghetto girl

    and last idfk abot nuber 5 you didnt need to add that not like antone cares but lots of people say that

    • 78 posts
    June 16, 2023 7:38 PM PDT

    EpicTr0ll said:
    Majesty said: Austin, don’t be like space trooper and not read with understanding. He was speaking about Luna clan and our restrictions about the toxic boys joining.
    thats pretty awkward considering a kid with the vocabulary of a dead hamster understood it and u didnt.. based on your comments i doubt you have read any of the others comments on this forum, you just burped random nonsense the whole time also based on your comments i doubt you could read it even if you wanted to[/blockquo

    Bro i can tottaly type fine with great grammar, but i dont need to waste my  timetyping stuff down

    • 445 posts
    June 16, 2023 7:38 PM PDT
    "how am i being toxic" every 2nd word of your is censored and you casually tell ppl to kill themselves because you cant reason in an argument? you are right you are not toxic at all
    • 78 posts
    June 16, 2023 7:46 PM PDT

    oh i never tell people to do that but for you guys... should consider it for how you act to people

    • 445 posts
    June 16, 2023 8:08 PM PDT
    yes i forgot you are just a victim you were living peacefully in your rainbow bubble then bad people came to the forum and attacked you:( poor little austina
    • 78 posts
    June 16, 2023 8:29 PM PDT

    EpicTr0ll said: yes i forgot you are just a victim you were living peacefully in your rainbow bubble then bad people came to the forum and attacked you:( poor little austina

    actually everything you just said was right you actuilly said somthing right im suprised great job bro

    • 57 posts
    June 16, 2023 8:35 PM PDT

    XD Porfin nice

    • 956 posts
    June 16, 2023 9:25 PM PDT
    Guys, there are two genders, they *should* attract to one another, and they are at peace. On the other hand, the rainbow group screams at us telling us we are homophobic just because we don’t want them around and yelling in our faces just for not following their ideology. Well I’m not, I ain’t scared of those weaklings. You see what Pride month did to this country? Plus on top of that, if pride month never existed, we wouldn’t be having this giant argument because no body would speak their garbage prideful language saying “I’m *** and I’m proud of it”. Honestly, can’t we all just be quiet about this? Pride month shouldn’t exist so we should act like it doesn’t.
    • 19 posts
    June 16, 2023 10:30 PM PDT

    bro actually thought at B.K. he could have it his way ☠️


  • June 17, 2023 2:48 AM PDT

    EpicTr0ll said: 2023 and little sis still begging for 1v1s in a dead browser game


    yet you said go make server? =))) i think little monkey here has problems with his 40 hz pc, would not 1v1 me because he knows he will lose :D



  • June 17, 2023 6:14 AM PDT


    I got you a gift jajajajajaja


    • 445 posts
    June 17, 2023 6:36 AM PDT
    Triatina said:

    EpicTr0ll said: 2023 and little sis still begging for 1v1s in a dead browser game


    yet you said go make server? =))) i think little monkey here has problems with his 40 hz pc, would not 1v1 me because he knows he will lose :D



    yet you didnt make? so faking stuped you is only cry but scared make server all know
    • 956 posts
    June 17, 2023 8:54 AM PDT
    I am not toxic, and I know what I read. Honestly, even I want to stop arguing. I’m getting bored and annoyed at this topic now. Plus on that I’m getting tired of arguing with Austindidnot only. Now it’s an entire forum where we argue. But Austin, think about it, if you haven’t told everyone you are super cool for being ***, then none of this would have happened
    This post was edited by Spacetrooper at June 17, 2023 8:56 AM PDT
  • June 17, 2023 10:17 AM PDT

    EpicTr0ll said:
    Triatina said:

    EpicTr0ll said: 2023 and little sis still begging for 1v1s in a dead browser game


    yet you said go make server? =))) i think little monkey here has problems with his 40 hz pc, would not 1v1 me because he knows he will lose :D



    yet you didnt make? so faking stuped you is only cry but scared make server all know


    thats your mistake now, i created already :)))))) as u can see again 1v1 pass is 1v1. just admit if you no wanna join so i can acknowledge your weakness jajajaj 

    i also no think you wil beat me prime vs rust :D so have fun jerking forum with no brain arguments

    • 445 posts
    June 17, 2023 10:33 AM PDT

    Triatina said:

    EpicTr0ll said:
    Triatina said:

    EpicTr0ll said: 2023 and little sis still begging for 1v1s in a dead browser game


    yet you said go make server? =))) i think little monkey here has problems with his 40 hz pc, would not 1v1 me because he knows he will lose :D



    yet you didnt make? so faking stuped you is only cry but scared make server all know


    thats your mistake now, i created already :)))))) as u can see again 1v1 pass is 1v1. just admit if you no wanna join so i can acknowledge your weakness jajajaj 

    i also no think you wil beat me prime vs rust :D so have fun jerking forum with no brain arguments

    i dont see it pls make new one thanks you

    • 956 posts
    June 17, 2023 10:39 AM PDT
    Make sure to post the *real* score so we can know who *actually* won. Good luck EpicTroll