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Where is Max?

    • 956 posts
    August 14, 2023 5:12 PM PDT
    Don’t know
    • 287 posts
    August 15, 2023 1:58 AM PDT
    You guys know that there's something like "jokes and trolling" wich is pretty common for warmerise...
    • 98 posts
    August 15, 2023 2:44 AM PDT
    Imagine caring about Max when he clearly don't give a damn about your mom... Bro is bro...LET HIM COOK for a second.
    • 442 posts
    August 15, 2023 9:51 AM PDT
    Lion7 said:
    You guys know that there's something like "jokes and trolling" wich is pretty common for warmerise...

    and you think these npcs intelligent enough to recognize obvious troll..
    • 956 posts
    August 15, 2023 10:38 AM PDT
    So you are saying Max has been trolling us? Makes sense lol
    • 287 posts
    August 15, 2023 1:39 PM PDT
    Spacetrooper said:
    So you are saying Max has been trolling us? Makes sense lol

    Not what I said. But have fun with the dating feature.
  • August 15, 2023 3:37 PM PDT

    yh feck max gg 

    • 120 posts
    August 15, 2023 4:25 PM PDT

    Guys, I and Erlaanz working on Warmerise 2 stay tuned

    • 956 posts
    August 15, 2023 4:38 PM PDT
    Bro am I gonna whiteness the downfall of Warmerise? Seems like it
    • 253 posts
    August 15, 2023 5:16 PM PDT

    Kalamar said:

    Guys, I and Erlaanz working on Warmerise 2 stay tuned

    BeGone 2 and Warmerise 2 are coming out soon. It's been a pleasure working with you for both these projects.

    • 442 posts
    August 15, 2023 5:54 PM PDT

    Erlaanz said:

    Kalamar said:

    Guys, I and Erlaanz working on Warmerise 2 stay tuned

    BeGone 2 and Warmerise 2 are coming out soon. It's been a pleasure working with you for both these projects.

    omg BeGone 2 i knew it!! i never stopped believing :')

    • 1192 posts
    August 16, 2023 12:33 AM PDT

    THEVETERAN said:

    so......what happened with the dating for warmerse thing???

    too many dates si

    DK17 and raieny 

    Kiur and RpGRoSa1

    charlie and hakimyt

    Raees and a haunted Ghost

    Erlaanz and faerie

    Aetoyn and shawarma.


    Whats za broblem sir

    • 120 posts
    August 16, 2023 5:42 AM PDT

    Aetoyn said:

    THEVETERAN said:

    so......what happened with the dating for warmerse thing???

    too many dates si

    DK17 and raieny 

    Kiur and RpGRoSa1

    charlie and hakimyt

    Raees and a haunted Ghost

    Erlaanz and faerie

    Aetoyn and shawarma.


    Whats za broblem sir

    you forgot to include me and coobra

    • 1192 posts
    August 16, 2023 6:18 AM PDT

    the list is even longer. but i typed what i can think of

    • 442 posts
    August 16, 2023 6:22 AM PDT
    Me and Airwolf
    • 956 posts
    August 16, 2023 6:50 AM PDT
    Something doesn’t feel right now… Warmerise 2… trolling… more stuff like that. Is everyone just ghosting everyone or is it just me? Where is Max right now, he should be working on updates and all that stuff like usual. I feel like this is just one big prank
    • 7 posts
    August 16, 2023 6:55 AM PDT

    Kalamar said:

    Guys, I and Erlaanz working on Warmerise 2 stay tuned

    i have some suggestions for you then, bring back old tpv, that will be good for old players come back. old gravity usage etc. some customized game modes like sky. (i mean 2017 times) and maybe downloadable version. 

    • 956 posts
    August 16, 2023 7:02 AM PDT
    Bro Max was that one guy who would actually add my models if I textured them properly. He gave me advice for stuff and now you are booting him out of his own game? Is Max apart of making Warmerise 2?
    • 7 posts
    August 16, 2023 7:09 AM PDT

    kaisera said:

    Kalamar said:

    Guys, I and Erlaanz working on Warmerise 2 stay tuned

    i have some suggestions for you then, bring back old tpv, that will be good for old players come back. old gravity usage etc. some customized game modes like sky. (i mean 2017 times) and maybe downloadable version. 

    i forgot include the new payment methods suggestion

    • 442 posts
    August 16, 2023 7:11 AM PDT
    Spacetrooper said:
    Bro Max was that one guy who would actually add my models if I textured them properly. He gave me advice for stuff and now you are booting him out of his own game? Is Max apart of making Warmerise 2?

    Erlaanz bought the game rights so Max doesnt own the game anymore. They said on discord the development of Warmerise will stop in the September of 2023.
    Season 1 of Warmerise 2 will start around December witht he brand new battlepass system
    • 956 posts
    August 16, 2023 7:13 AM PDT
    I don’t believe it. Show me the proof
    • 956 posts
    August 16, 2023 7:18 AM PDT
    Why have seasons instead of the normal FPS gameplay?
    • 442 posts
    August 16, 2023 7:46 AM PDT
    While Warmerise 2 will have the gameplay of old Warmerise there will be seasons with a buyable battlepass each season. The pass costs 75k c*sh and you can get various items and cosmetics such as exclusive capes, weapon skins or player badges. Season 1 will start with a brand new pistol, new official maps and a Ranked mode, where the best players can compete and win prizes
    • 956 posts
    August 16, 2023 7:50 AM PDT
    Do you have to buy it?
    • 442 posts
    August 16, 2023 7:59 AM PDT
    "i am so smart but i have no idea what a battlepass is"
    No you dont have to buy it, they will just give you stuff for free.. thats how games work