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  • Executore Contact through Discord -
    January 29, 2017
  • NevrerMaster2 Pls say
    June 17, 2020
  • jefsniperhot77 Y3208846215a
    June 25, 2020
  • ningenesix6 I returned to this game just today. It was still fun but can't deny the sadness. From full servers to empty maps, it is not the same anymore. Maybe the old players just matured and moved on. I even created a solo server just to return to the old maps we used to play in, somehow it brought back good memories. From making friends, building clans and the competitiveness of the players. I used to play this game the whole day, but now I come back rarely. For all the past and present players, I hope you are doing fine. Let us not forget this game that has been part of our lives. I am hoping that we will get reunited one day and play again. To my friends, Maxx, and the warmerise developers. Thank you so much...Peace
    July 15
  • KameonWilkes lemme play warmerise
    July 30, 2017