beeice1526's Polls

Which Gun Strikes the Most Fear Into You?

A poll about which gun gives your heart a little jump and gets it pumping faster in game. What gun scares you the most in-game when you see it being played on the opposite team?
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  • Lion7 and StarWarsCrazy like this
  • supernatural76impala
    supernatural76impala sry i get mixed up
    January 25, 2019
    STERBEN99 Do you know what the M-97 Flamethrower sounds like Earnie? It roars like a dragon, a fiery God purging everything on his path. Hold down that trigger and the whoosh drowns out everything else. Focus on the noise and you can almost convince yourself you do...  more
    January 25, 2019 - 3 like this
  • Hysteria
    Hysteria Any gun,Mostly Additional Items like TomaHawk or M67
    January 25, 2019
  • FOX555
    FOX555 The gun doesn't matter. Sometimes I see a player's name in the lobby and say "oh! Well this will be interesting..." Then i join the opposite team.
    January 25, 2019 - 2 like this