xSusursJR's Polls


Do You Like CaptZalan`s New Only Original 2019 map?
Show Results  |  Share  |  Report  |   |  13 votes  |  546 views
  • CaptZalan123 likes this
  • CaptZalan123
    CaptZalan123 I am Hacker.
    I like to create bad maps.Want some more.
    October 13, 2019
  • DeadKing17
    DeadKing17 CaptZalan I like him because he is really cool guy
    and he is looks very pretty and sexy hot..
    And I wish I can raype him
    October 13, 2019 - 1 likes this
  • xSusursJR
    xSusursJR Yes
    October 13, 2019
  • CaptZalan123
    CaptZalan123 hey that wa not me who say i am a hacker
    October 13, 2019