Player626's Polls

Is the current ranking system inaccurate?

You know how XP is the only ranking? So is it fair to say that a person who has 160,000 XP and joined 6 months ago isn't as good as someone who has 170,000 XP and joined 4 years ago?
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  • Profeta
    Profeta The issue is there are players that are way better than people in the top 100. Airwolf is like the worst player ever.
    February 18, 2020
  • Notoryus
    Notoryus in a skill top airwolf would be in the 500 place or less
    February 18, 2020 - 1 likes this
  • Profeta
    Profeta that means I would 499 cuz i can beat him unreg without fancy guns.
    February 18, 2020
  • Player626
    Player626 so would I still be 698??
    February 18, 2020