FugaziXV's Polls

Should there be another Elimintation Wheel?

This is for Guerrilla just asking if there should be another Elimination Wheel the winners of the last one will not be in it
Show Results  |  Share  |  Report  |   |  23 votes  |  607 views
  • Aiden69
    Aiden69 no more wheels if u dont want someone in the group u shouldnt have added them u dont know how to run a clan obesly so just keep everyone u have and be lucky that they are even there
    July 6, 2020
  • zilomh635
    zilomh635 oof
    July 6, 2020
  • FugaziXV
    FugaziXV this aint a eliminating ppl no one is getting kicked out i like all of u guys that are in my clan u with out u guys guerrilla wouldnt even exist i dont kick ppl out only if they deserve it and none of u guys in my clan deserve to get kicked
    July 6, 2020
  • zilomh635
    zilomh635 i deserve it
    July 6, 2020