Stoplookin9's Polls

Are unregistered players bad?

You know how you're just playing Warmerise on TheIsland2016, and you get in a brand new car because you're heading off to ram some red players for coins? Suddenly, a random unregistered player joins and runs into the car, gets on top, and starts destroying it with an STG-12. Or how you are playing on an only sniper map, you are about to get 3 headshots in a row, then this unregistered player walks
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  • mindfreak
    mindfreak The unregs are a large portion of the warmerise community, yet are the most under-represented.
    January 14, 2022
  • a4771
    a4771 they are not bad but they really like to spam
    January 14, 2022
    CJDIA And Steal weapons
    January 14, 2022
  • flyingDonkey345
    flyingDonkey345 the majority or huge part of the unregs was bad, some of them were actually good. people like mga bobo (he has an acc now) and mike hawk
    January 16, 2022