f0rsaken's Polls

Should TrapMines or Tomahawk be banned from the tournament?

The one with the most votes will be on the banned weapons list for the remainder of the tournament
Show Results  |  Share  |  Report  |   |  71 votes  |  424 views
  • Ezra and Illuminate like this
  • f0rsaken
    f0rsaken Every single tournament there has been banned and allowed weapons. I played CDL and it was the same thing. There will be rules that will need to be followed.
    October 21, 2022
  • wha5up
    wha5up prolly cause you do official tournaments then cause the ones ive been in never banned stuff
    October 21, 2022
  • f0rsaken
    f0rsaken Depends on the format lol
    October 21, 2022
  • MohammedRelaxX
    MohammedRelaxX Stop !! Do That !
    October 22, 2022