gamer478's Polls

shuld we have a 100v100 war once a month

we shuld hold a 100v100 war at the end of every month
Show Results  |  Share  |  Report  |   |  9 votes  |  304 views
  • FiveNights
    FiveNights YEA only if there was 200 people on at once
    November 23, 2017
  • PsychoSkiller99
    PsychoSkiller99 might sound a "good idea" but seth already pointed out the main reasons
    November 24, 2017
  • gamer478
    gamer478 the developers could make a specific map for the war
    March 21, 2018
  • PsychoSkiller99
    PsychoSkiller99 its way too much for the servers
    April 7, 2018