President Donald J Trump ultimate inspirational tribute

by bdf1970 in Videos
Posted November 2, 2020 - 409 views
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This man endures the most vile abuse from the left and the media, He fights for America and the American people. This is the greatest President America has ever seen. Please enjoy, like and subscribe for more videos. My Twitter page: Thank you! #Trump2020
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  • SIendermanProVN
    SIendermanProVN my from vietman
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  • Kalashnikov74
    Kalashnikov74 Look at Biden's policy on economic issues too. As a general rule, an economy operates best when it is maintained, not by government control, but by the people of the nation in which it exists. The people of a local economy, such as that which exists in a...  more
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  • LightningStorm
    LightningStorm Sorry anirudh i thought you were supporting biden because you shout out his name and i think i saw you once say a comment that biden is the best and your voteing for him...
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  • anirudh2000
    anirudh2000 well lightning i live in india so how can i vote for biden or trump
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