hecker reterd playing on reterd2 acc and bully spanish steroid user

Posted December 6 - 31 views
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go flex how someone else won an 1v1 on ur acc with literal cheats XD efrican moron
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  • KSUD likes this
  • EpicTr0ll
    EpicTr0ll they claim he recorded btw, really want to see his POV
    December 6 - 1 likes this
  • Ap9x
    Ap9x Who cares?
    December 7
  • xKurzy
    xKurzy obviously you will pinus swallow your boyfriends because u are in their clan accepting hcking as normal braindead monkeY
    December 7
  • EpicTr0ll
    EpicTr0ll https://prnt.sc/rpgBoYT6UO6j i think he does
    December 7