Bulletforce randome killing montage 1

by Lion7 in Videos
Posted March 4, 2023 - 21 views
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Hey Guys, Lion here, because I couldnt finish some games I recorded but didnt want to just delete it I created a little killing montage
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  • Spacetrooper
    Spacetrooper I know its not a rule. im just saying that it feels like everyone is posting videos just to post videos. the posting is complete spam now and its hardly about Warmerise anymore. it feels like people are using this website just to post stuff in my opinion....  more
    March 4, 2023 - 1 likes this
  • Lion7
    Lion7 Well im going to tell you one thing now. I am in this game since 2014. I made my first account in 2015. Im in this community for a very long time not many are left of those days. It is a community you know what that is? It's more than just bots who talk o...  more
    March 5, 2023 - 1 likes this
  • Lion7
    Lion7 Even the forums gives you the chance to go off topic. And forums are something more than just what your friendlist sees because it's accesable for everyone. Also in videos you post you have a category of comedy I don't think it is meant for warmerise come...  more
    March 5, 2023 - 2 like this
  • Spacetrooper
    Spacetrooper Ok dude. Nice Ted Talk
    March 5, 2023 - 1 likes this