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Mouse Bug

    • 1 posts
    August 30, 2020 1:52 PM PDT

    So, I recently started having issues with the game. My mouse works just fine, but for some reason in the game, my mouse can't move. I can't aim or look around, I can only move left and right, back and forth; however, I cannot move my mouse. In other words, I am just facing one direction the whole game and can't do anything about it. I need help.

    This post was edited by kennyradecki at August 30, 2020 1:53 PM PDT
    • 285 posts
    September 1, 2020 2:43 AM PDT

    This is happening to a lot of people. From what I can recall, this isn't entirely the game's fault, it has to do something with the browser. So try using a different browser. I use chrome, it rarely happens for me. 

    You can also try clearing your browser cache by pressing CTRL+Shift+Del while in the browser. It'll open a pop up window or a new tab, depending on your browser. Then check box "Cache images or files" and uncheck all other boxes and then clear it. It may or may not work, but you can still try.