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Clan War Rules Updated

    • 18 posts
    October 23, 2020 9:29 AM PDT


    These clan war rules are by no means a strict demand but a mere guideline to be followed by sides which did not state their own rules. However, if both sides agree on these rules, they have to follow them strictly. Official clan war rules have not been updated for 3 years, thereby I decided they must be rewritten to suit today's game and be commonly acceptable. To attain that, I partially model them after this year's Warmerise World Championship. Here is the list of the rules with my explanations. 



    1. Both sides agree on: 

    a) the time when the clan war takes place

    b) region

    c) map/maps

    d) number of matches (make use of a tiebreaker if you agreed on an even number of matches) 

    e) gamemode: Elimination/NUKE Elimination [TDM is banned - it favors technically unfair situations like baserape (check 'Miscellaneous', rule no. 2)]

    f) use of cars on maps that include them (entering jets is banned, you are not allowed to enter it at all as well as the cars, if you agreed on not using the latter)

    g) view: first person/third person

    h) teams: red/blue

    i) server size (optionally, to bar entering of unwanted guests)

    2. Everything apart from the things included in rule no. 1 is not subject to the sides' decision.


    Team requirements

    1. The clan war, to be called one, is a match betweem representatives of two clans, at least two per side. 

    2. Unequal numbers are not allowed (e.g.: 2v3, 3v4). However, if a player of one of the competing sides leaves during a started round, the opposite one can continue playing with advantage until the end of that round. 

    3. Constant changes of representatives during the match are allowed (check the rule no. 2). 

    4. If a player is a member of the two competing clans at the same time, he has to decide which side he represents. He can not change his decision during the clan war (I suggest that you do not allow such players participate at all, but it is just my suggestion). 

    5. Every player has to wear his clan's tag. 



    1. Custom maps are banned.

    2. Every other maps are allowed (check 'Procedure' 1f). 



    1. M67 and RPG are banned, every other weapon is allowed, that means the shield is allowed as well. 



    1. Using the fly mode during the match is not allowed. However, someone can be allowed to do it if both sides agree on it, but he cannot interrupt the game. 

    2. - recommended - Enable nuke mode on maps with more than one armory spot (it is to eliminate potential endless stalemate). 


    Penalties for breaking the rules

    1. If a player, for some reason, does not comply with the rules, he can be not allowed to play or eventually kicked out of the server if he ignores rebukes and warnings. 

    2. If a whole team cooperates to not obey the rules (e.g. by means of favoring a player that breaks the rules) the other team can just deem the former unworthy and leave leaving some screenshots here.




    These rules are subject to change, you can leave some feedback whenever you want. Note that you can use those rules as a pattern and decide to cross out some of them, for example 'Maps' 1, and still folllow the rest, or add yours. But if you want to be serious, just follow the original ones and do not modify anything. 




    This post was edited by Kosiarz at November 3, 2020 4:02 AM PST
    • 18 posts
    November 3, 2020 3:47 AM PST

    Some amendments have been added (I hope it is obvious that 'Ball Mode' is not a thing). 

    This post was edited by Kosiarz at November 3, 2020 9:47 PM PST
    • 142 posts
    November 3, 2020 7:06 PM PST

    Interesting. Reminds me of the one that Mike and SnoFlak put together. Of course with a bit of a spin to it.