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who are the best clan .

    • 493 posts
    December 6, 2020 9:56 PM PST

    Everyone knows that this year, the best warmerise clans are KAA ~ 40 * | and | [Flare] | . All the best players are there. Clan 3 was JDI, but this was much less powerful than KAA and Flare. Another clan returned in 2020. It was a very old clan. Now he forms 3 clans, of which = | NF | = and = | OR | =. They look better than JDI. But better than Flare or KAA ??? idk ...
    Afterwards there are other clans: Prof. Dr. , | [ZiiZen] | , and others, but these are much less powerful.

    I need your comments and your opinions to know how everyone thinks.

    • 226 posts
    December 6, 2020 11:53 PM PST

    OR isn't even owned by me, only Northern Forces is.

    • 493 posts
    December 7, 2020 7:25 AM PST

    I no say that is your clan , i just say is a good clan . top 3 I think . 

    • 257 posts
    December 7, 2020 1:31 PM PST

    I don't know about Warmerise, but OR is definitely the best Bingo clan.

    • 493 posts
    December 7, 2020 1:34 PM PST

    Erlaanz a dit: [/ b]

    Je ne sais pas pour Warmerise, mais OR est certainement le meilleur clan de Bingo.

    [/ blockquote]




    • 493 posts
    December 8, 2020 12:20 AM PST

    Aiim said:

    kazourichuu je suis trop fan de tes gros biceps mec



    • 493 posts
    December 8, 2020 12:21 AM PST

    KAA is the best , yes , but Baron WHAT ? is just a inactive clan . And Flare are better tahn Xera

    • 359 posts
    December 8, 2020 9:22 AM PST


    KAA is the best , yes , but Baron WHAT ? is just a inactive clan . And Flare are better tahn Xera

    WTF someone said he likes ur muscles and u say they re the best?? u gotta be neutral as a warmerise body

    • 116 posts
    December 8, 2020 2:42 PM PST
    He said that he doesnt like his muscle dumas
    • 493 posts
    December 9, 2020 11:45 AM PST

    iZyQs a dit: [/ b] Il a dit qu'il n'aime pas ses dumas musculaires [/ blockquote]


    I no say that

    • 116 posts
    December 9, 2020 1:39 PM PST
    Yes i cant read well im hotist