Why do ppl since some weeks get their account details stolen? Why cant we ban the asshole behind it? We all perfectly know whos responsible for it, a guy who used and is still scamming ppl for their accounts, a guy who is farming kdr and kills with his alts on private servers. Now the guy is somehow accesing data like mail and passwords? Is our data even safe? https://prnt.sc/12eofz0
So dear Mr. Vavy aka house builder in minecraft, u either stop and accept that ur getting bullied or we start leaking your private data like : faces, names, birthday, birthplace, name of family members, phone numbers, addresses, social medias & much more :) (but thats a suprise for later) on facebook + reddit groups , .onion sites and many more! There will be many creeps who dont mind to become friend with a cute 16yrs old boy from England. Kisses your chapo& thanks for 30£
https://prnt.sc/12eovyf here another interesting screen, i hope there will be some consequences, cant believe our data is so bad protected on this site.
Fyi : Vavy's using an acc he got through lying and scamming called Exploit
This post was edited by xChapo at May 2, 2021 5:31 PM PDT