Forums » Bugs & Suggestions

Weapons/Damages and useful suggestions

    • 121 posts
    June 17, 2021 1:11 PM PDT

    First of all as i mentioned before headshot damages should be increased for each weapon. This will make Warmerise more playable.

    Please do some general changes on knife because no matter where hit comes you dying. 

    - RPG - 

    1-) Make RPG more powerfull and only with 1 bullet. RPG's damage should change range to range and if clear shot hits victim, victim should die. 

    2-) People can't fire rpg directly or by moving. They have to stand and rpg's aim cooldown should be 3-4 seconds.

    3-) If players uses sky trooper suit they may get extra 1 rpg bullet.

    - Shield - 

    1-) When you use gravity gun according to usage our energy reduces and samething can be implement to shield. When people use shield their energy should reduce and shield usage should be limited to player's energy.

    2-) RPG bullets should break player's shield. 

    - Mines - 

    1-) RPG bullets or nades must trigger mines and mines must be explode if hit occurs.

    - M67 -

    1-) Add delaying (3-5 sec) to m67 before detonation occurs. 

    - Add weak point to shield -

    1-) Because mine doesn't give any damage to player if player jumps over on mine with shield.

    Detail on models

    1-) When players uses bow, arrow bag or something like that should be display in their back. 

    2-) When we switch our weapons from primary to secondary we should able to see our own weapons on our back in third person view. 

    3-) If hp-kit used and if player's hp equal to 100 hp, bag or something like that should be in their back and bag should be droppable.

    4-) We also should see capes on dead bodies if they have.

    Please refer to: 

    Game Statues -

    - BUGS - 

    1-) When you don't have ammo and when you pick up weapon from floor and replace back with the one you left causes ammo glitch (Adds ammo to your weapon that has no ammo). Also if you have full ammo and if you pick up weapon from floor and fire it 1 round then replace back with the gun you drop, game resets the ammo in recieved gun.

    2-) Flamethrower able to give damage through walls.

    3-) Players able to trigger mines behind of walls.

    4-) Sometimes, when your team mates shooting they are showing as enemy on your radar.

    5-) Sometimes, shields doesn't protect you from mines or grenades.

    6-) If plasma-grenade hits player's body and if player uses shield before explode, grenade doesn't give any single damage.

    7-) If player gets killed while use hp-kit this one causes bug and game doesn't detect player's dead. As a result players have to wait to play in next round untill time round is over. Before, joining spectator mode and rejoining any team was fixing the issue but it doesn't solve anymore.

    8-) Sometimes, player scores (Kills, Deaths, Assists) doesn't get reset after game ends.

    This post was edited by Kalamar at July 27, 2021 2:50 PM PDT
    • 1193 posts
    June 17, 2021 1:46 PM PDT

    SimooN said:


    2-) When we switch our weapons from primary to secondary we should able to see our own weapons on our back in third person view. 




    That would be annoying on TPV users, like big weapons hide some of the screen.


    Also i don't think Skytrooper suit should give 1 more RPG's rocket. 

    suit should have like more speed or something like more dmg or more hp idk.

    This post was edited by Akarius at June 17, 2021 1:50 PM PDT
    • 121 posts
    June 17, 2021 2:26 PM PDT

    I don't know actually i just wanted to take some attention on sky trooper suit because a lot people don't want to use it.

    • 2129 posts
    June 17, 2021 2:28 PM PDT

    I feel like Skytrooper should just be removed.

    • 76 posts
    June 17, 2021 4:43 PM PDT

    IMO Skytrooper ugly af, just my opinion, don't create 3,000 word essay on why I'm wrong.

    • 98 posts
    June 19, 2021 12:26 AM PDT

    SimooN said:

    First of all as i mentioned before headshot damages should be increased for each weapon. This will make Warmerise more playable.

    Please do some general changes on knife because no matter where hit comes you dying. 

    - RPG - 

    1-) Make RPG more powerfull and only with 1 bullet. RPG's damage should change range to range and if clear shot hits victim, victim should die. 

    2-) If players uses sky trooper suit they may get extra 1 rpg bullet.

    - Shield - 

    1-) When you use gravity gun according to usage our energy reduces and samething can be implement to shield. When people use shield their energy should reduce and shield usage should be limited to player's energy.

    2-) RPG bullets should break player's shield. 

    - Mines - 

    1-) RPG bullets or nades must trigger mines and mines must be explode if hit occurs.

    - M67 -

    1-) Add delaying (3-5 sec) to m67 before detonation occurs. 

    Detail on models

    1-) When players uses bow, arrow bag or something like that should be display in their back. 

    2-) When we switch our weapons from primary to secondary we should able to see our own weapons on our back in third person view. 

    3-) If hp-kit used and if player's hp equal to 100 hp, bag or something like that should be in their back and bag should be droppable.

    4-) We also should see capes on dead bodies if they have.

    Please refer to: 

    Game Statues -

    - BUGS - 

    1-) When you don't have ammo and when you pick up weapon from floor and replace back with the one you left causes ammo glitch (Adds ammo to your weapon that has no ammo).

    2-) Flamethrower able to give damage through walls.

    3-) Players able to trigger mines behind of walls.

    4-) Sometimes, when your team mates shooting they are showing as enemy on your radar.

    5-) Sometimes, shields doesn't protect you from mines or grenades.

    6-) If plasma-grenade hits player's body and if shield used after hit grenade doesn't give any single damage.

    7-) If player gets killed while use hp-kit this one causes bug and game doesn't detect player's dead.

    8-) Sometimes, player scores (Kills, Deaths, Assists) doesn't get reset after game ends.

    3-) Players able to trigger mines behind of walls. This issue is because of 3rd person literally. Half of the bugs in this game is caused by using 3rd person. (Seeing through walls, detonating mines when you're behind a wall), for some reason our character phases through the wall a tiny bit, this may be solved by making the detonation for the mine less sensitive. But a better fix would be removing 3rd person until it is optimised enough. 

  • June 19, 2021 2:25 AM PDT

    Kazuya said:

    SimooN said:

    First of all as i mentioned before headshot damages should be increased for each weapon. This will make Warmerise more playable.

    Please do some general changes on knife because no matter where hit comes you dying. 

    - RPG - 

    1-) Make RPG more powerfull and only with 1 bullet. RPG's damage should change range to range and if clear shot hits victim, victim should die. 

    2-) If players uses sky trooper suit they may get extra 1 rpg bullet.

    - Shield - 

    1-) When you use gravity gun according to usage our energy reduces and samething can be implement to shield. When people use shield their energy should reduce and shield usage should be limited to player's energy.

    2-) RPG bullets should break player's shield. 

    - Mines - 

    1-) RPG bullets or nades must trigger mines and mines must be explode if hit occurs.

    - M67 -

    1-) Add delaying (3-5 sec) to m67 before detonation occurs. 

    Detail on models

    1-) When players uses bow, arrow bag or something like that should be display in their back. 

    2-) When we switch our weapons from primary to secondary we should able to see our own weapons on our back in third person view. 

    3-) If hp-kit used and if player's hp equal to 100 hp, bag or something like that should be in their back and bag should be droppable.

    4-) We also should see capes on dead bodies if they have.

    Please refer to: 

    Game Statues -

    - BUGS - 

    1-) When you don't have ammo and when you pick up weapon from floor and replace back with the one you left causes ammo glitch (Adds ammo to your weapon that has no ammo).

    2-) Flamethrower able to give damage through walls.

    3-) Players able to trigger mines behind of walls.

    4-) Sometimes, when your team mates shooting they are showing as enemy on your radar.

    5-) Sometimes, shields doesn't protect you from mines or grenades.

    6-) If plasma-grenade hits player's body and if shield used after hit grenade doesn't give any single damage.

    7-) If player gets killed while use hp-kit this one causes bug and game doesn't detect player's dead.

    8-) Sometimes, player scores (Kills, Deaths, Assists) doesn't get reset after game ends.

    3-) Players able to trigger mines behind of walls. This issue is because of 3rd person literally. Half of the bugs in this game is caused by using 3rd person. (Seeing through walls, detonating mines when you're behind a wall), for some reason our character phases through the wall a tiny bit, this may be solved by making the detonation for the mine less sensitive. But a better fix would be removing 3rd person until it is optimised enough. 

    1-) add some bugs 
    it's good for ur health @max

    • 121 posts
    June 22, 2021 9:06 AM PDT

    Kazuya said:

    SimooN said:

    First of all as i mentioned before headshot damages should be increased for each weapon. This will make Warmerise more playable.

    Please do some general changes on knife because no matter where hit comes you dying. 

    - RPG - 

    1-) Make RPG more powerfull and only with 1 bullet. RPG's damage should change range to range and if clear shot hits victim, victim should die. 

    2-) If players uses sky trooper suit they may get extra 1 rpg bullet.

    - Shield - 

    1-) When you use gravity gun according to usage our energy reduces and samething can be implement to shield. When people use shield their energy should reduce and shield usage should be limited to player's energy.

    2-) RPG bullets should break player's shield. 

    - Mines - 

    1-) RPG bullets or nades must trigger mines and mines must be explode if hit occurs.

    - M67 -

    1-) Add delaying (3-5 sec) to m67 before detonation occurs. 

    Detail on models

    1-) When players uses bow, arrow bag or something like that should be display in their back. 

    2-) When we switch our weapons from primary to secondary we should able to see our own weapons on our back in third person view. 

    3-) If hp-kit used and if player's hp equal to 100 hp, bag or something like that should be in their back and bag should be droppable.

    4-) We also should see capes on dead bodies if they have.

    Please refer to: 

    Game Statues -

    - BUGS - 

    1-) When you don't have ammo and when you pick up weapon from floor and replace back with the one you left causes ammo glitch (Adds ammo to your weapon that has no ammo).

    2-) Flamethrower able to give damage through walls.

    3-) Players able to trigger mines behind of walls.

    4-) Sometimes, when your team mates shooting they are showing as enemy on your radar.

    5-) Sometimes, shields doesn't protect you from mines or grenades.

    6-) If plasma-grenade hits player's body and if shield used after hit grenade doesn't give any single damage.

    7-) If player gets killed while use hp-kit this one causes bug and game doesn't detect player's dead.

    8-) Sometimes, player scores (Kills, Deaths, Assists) doesn't get reset after game ends.

    3-) Players able to trigger mines behind of walls. This issue is because of 3rd person literally. Half of the bugs in this game is caused by using 3rd person. (Seeing through walls, detonating mines when you're behind a wall), for some reason our character phases through the wall a tiny bit, this may be solved by making the detonation for the mine less sensitive. But a better fix would be removing 3rd person until it is optimised enough. 

    Yeah, seeing through walls can be preventable if viewable areas can be filled with black but i have no idea how to detect viewable parts on 3rd person and implementation to code. However, i think simplest way would be changing camera view if user touch walls. Also this can make warmerise more balanced and we can get rid of third-person abusers. Therefore if seeing through walls gets fixed FPV/TPV only options can be removed from game. As far as i can see people don't even use them. Best way for fix would be changing camera view i guess.

    This post was edited by Kalamar at June 22, 2021 9:14 AM PDT
  • September 25, 2021 9:30 AM PDT

    SimooN said:

    Kazuya said:

    SimooN said:

    First of all as i mentioned before headshot damages should be increased for each weapon. This will make Warmerise more playable.

    Please do some general changes on knife because no matter where hit comes you dying. 

    - RPG - 

    1-) Make RPG more powerfull and only with 1 bullet. RPG's damage should change range to range and if clear shot hits victim, victim should die. 

    2-) If players uses sky trooper suit they may get extra 1 rpg bullet.

    - Shield - 

    1-) When you use gravity gun according to usage our energy reduces and samething can be implement to shield. When people use shield their energy should reduce and shield usage should be limited to player's energy.

    2-) RPG bullets should break player's shield. 

    - Mines - 

    1-) RPG bullets or nades must trigger mines and mines must be explode if hit occurs.

    - M67 -

    1-) Add delaying (3-5 sec) to m67 before detonation occurs. 

    Detail on models

    1-) When players uses bow, arrow bag or something like that should be display in their back. 

    2-) When we switch our weapons from primary to secondary we should able to see our own weapons on our back in third person view. 

    3-) If hp-kit used and if player's hp equal to 100 hp, bag or something like that should be in their back and bag should be droppable.

    4-) We also should see capes on dead bodies if they have.

    Please refer to: 

    Game Statues -

    - BUGS - 

    1-) When you don't have ammo and when you pick up weapon from floor and replace back with the one you left causes ammo glitch (Adds ammo to your weapon that has no ammo).

    2-) Flamethrower able to give damage through walls.

    3-) Players able to trigger mines behind of walls.

    4-) Sometimes, when your team mates shooting they are showing as enemy on your radar.

    5-) Sometimes, shields doesn't protect you from mines or grenades.

    6-) If plasma-grenade hits player's body and if shield used after hit grenade doesn't give any single damage.

    7-) If player gets killed while use hp-kit this one causes bug and game doesn't detect player's dead.

    8-) Sometimes, player scores (Kills, Deaths, Assists) doesn't get reset after game ends.

    3-) Players able to trigger mines behind of walls. This issue is because of 3rd person literally. Half of the bugs in this game is caused by using 3rd person. (Seeing through walls, detonating mines when you're behind a wall), for some reason our character phases through the wall a tiny bit, this may be solved by making the detonation for the mine less sensitive. But a better fix would be removing 3rd person until it is optimised enough. 

    Yeah, seeing through walls can be preventable if viewable areas can be filled with black but i have no idea how to detect viewable parts on 3rd person and implementation to code. However, i think simplest way would be changing camera view if user touch walls. Also this can make warmerise more balanced and we can get rid of third-person abusers. Therefore if seeing through walls gets fixed FPV/TPV only options can be removed from game. As far as i can see people don't even use them. Best way for fix would be changing camera view i guess.

    or upgrading the view which results in no glitches like planting mines back of the wall and player hand or any part of body going through wall

  • September 25, 2021 9:33 AM PDT

    this may fix half of game glitches and sometimes i noticed the opponent faces one side and shootes while the bullet hits us instead of hitting in the place where the opponent is facing

  • September 25, 2021 9:34 AM PDT

    that should be fixed

    • 2129 posts
    September 25, 2021 9:38 AM PDT
    That’s lag I think.