Instead of paying 1500 ca*h per day, only to play for maybe 2 hours and the rest is lost in time and space.
Why isn't it so that if we do pay the 1500 ca*h for Upgrades, then the time upgrdes take to ware off is only counted when you are ingame?(Like it doesn't count down when the game is closed, only counts down when the user is inside the game whether it be playing or in the main menu).
It would give nanocompressors more worth as they won't run out if you're too busy to play.
Ninjamurai313 said: Maybe they should be available for, say, 10 coins in the armoury spot ingame. Gives more value to coins and more chance for non-pro players like me to not get cyberbullied all the time XD.
lol, **** is fine
only issue is them running out when your not even touching the game or the browser you use to play, which i agree on