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Capture The Flag mode.

  • August 25, 2021 7:01 AM PDT
    If there would be a Capture The Flag mode. I think it would be fun and entertaining. I think it would be hard to develop one, but it would be fun for players because it sometimes becomes boring to always play in the same modes everytime.
    Please add a mode or a new gun or something new.
    • 382 posts
    August 25, 2021 7:32 AM PDT
    neoknuxx said:
    If there would be a Capture The Flag mode. I think it would be fun and entertaining. I think it would be hard to develop one, but it would be fun for players because it sometimes becomes boring to always play in the same modes everytime.
    Please add a mode or a new gun or something new.
    zombie FFA mode is better and capture the flag i wish there is an motor
  • August 25, 2021 11:19 PM PDT

    zombie is better everyone sh ould be in team, lso capture the flag i dont like it, i play it in roblox and kogama once


  • August 25, 2021 11:23 PM PDT

    well, if a zombie mode is added obviously it would have animation. zombies without animation wouldnt seem like a zombie. And also it can lower frame rate i think so.