you are banned because I believe I can touch the sky
You're banned because physically touching the sky is impossible- unless you count the air.
u are banned because You made me think that we can all touch the sky without getting off the ground and killing the magic of music.
you're banned for making me confused
You're banned for being confused.
You're banned because you're not confused.
You're banned for not considering I didn't look at the last page to see what Veronica was confused about. (I actually didn't)
You're banned because I didn't have look either.
I'm Banned for saying ARSENAL WON!
you're banned for banning yourself
You're banned for going off of the forum's main topic and talking about chocolate.
You're banned for being a chocolate hater xD
Star is banned for loving hot dogs <3
you're banned for going and talking about hotdogs
You're banned because hotdogs are meh.
you're banned because you are right
wow what a waste of time
Tu estas baneada por hablar ingles
Tout le monde est banni car ils ne parlent pas français
you're banned for speaking french
You're banned because no one said that he couldn't speak a language besides English.
You are banned cause you suck at English