you are banned because your coulor is boring.
why do you think black people are boring
you are banned because your a grammer ****??
(why is that banned)
You're banned for using incorrect punctuation on both of those posts.
you are banned because i want to ban you and for spelling ban wrong
You're banned because you spell incorrectly often.
You are bannd for beeing a star
you are banned for not being a star
I am a Star
You're banned because I am the only Star.
you are banned because there are other stars too
you are banned for not banning star for not banning matty for not banning me
You are banned because I know you and you are not a true cat! :)
Also holy crap, over 40 pages on this thing! xD
You're banned because i spell incorrectly often.
You are banned because you spell incorrectly often.
Feline said: You are banned because you spell incorrectly often. rip
feline ur banned for being a furry
your banned for banning the wrong person
You're banned for talking to @GloryBandit.