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cool things and stuff

  • November 15, 2021 2:50 PM PST

    i want more FREE things in general. maybe more melee (like different types of knifes (that look sci fi)). maybe more guns (that look sci fi). also, I want jetpacks! FOR FREE! that would make my friend catclaw183 play again, becuase he hates this game so much, (becuase of the animations, sweats, lag, and blurry graphics). PLZ max make this game greater! it would be so cool to have players FINNALY have the chance to stand up and defend themselfs from people that are too rich and powerful (people that have plasma gun, railrife, skytrooper skin, all those sweaty stuff). the gameplay is great(ish), and the only reason why I said ish, is becuase there is lag, every map that Max made are all spikey and NOT smooth. I want this game to be better, becuase it totally can. Max, please add what I suggjested, it would improve the game so much, (or make it the same). and I want the capes to move or ragdoll. P.S, I want this game to not be a red vs blue game so you can color your character, have a survival mode, (aliens vs players), free for all, defence. it would make the game so cool. and maybe add this game on android or a different thing to play on, so other people who don't have a computer can play this game. and the lighting needs to be improved. 

  • November 16, 2021 5:57 PM PST

    I doubt the graphics would change, and we can't just buy some

    • 254 posts
    November 17, 2021 9:51 AM PST

    Free stuff like that wouldn't do a thing for the lag and other complaints you've put in your post. Not to mention that if you had that stuff other players could get it also and your "friend" would be right back to playing against better players. Basically everything you posted above would do absolutely nothing except make more work for Max. The best way to beat other players is to do better and all that takes is practice.


    It's all well and good to make suggestions - some have even been used over the years. But don't try to say it's for anything other than you just want more stuff for nothing.

    • 2126 posts
    November 17, 2021 10:01 AM PST

    Based upon the things that were listed above that you all seem to want to experience in an in-game environment, I would suggest playing games like Battlefield, where the game is optimized for long-lasting large-scale aerial and ground-combat engagements.