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Warmerise Sensitivity problem

    • 257 posts
    November 20, 2021 9:46 AM PST

    Greetings, I am here to talk a problem I've had for a while and many people who've also played other big FPS notice that has been happening since WebGL was released in 2017 and Standalone version wasn't allowed.

    First of all I'd like to say that I've had this since day 1 WebGL was added and several other people as well and is my biggest concern about the game and the reason I stopped playing long ago, not low fps, not the lag, but this.

    I have video proof of what the problem is:

    1. In the first attempt I am aiming North and I am moving my mouse at a "slow-medium" speed from one side of my 28cm mousepad to the other.

    2. In the second attempt I aim North as well and I move my mouse at high speed through those same 28cms.

    Somehow the game has some sort of acceleration, the faster you move your mouse the higher your sensitivity gets.

    As you can see in the first attempt I did a 225º spin but traveling the same distance at a different speed in the second attempt I did a 420º spin.


    I know probably nothing will be done since I've already talked about this issue plenty of times and it was completely ignored.

    As someone who has played Valorant, CSGO at almost the highest level of competitive gameplay and several other FPS games in web browser games and also some big names like Battlefield I've never experienced this.

    So I hope this issue gets noticed.

    P.S- Just in case you say some bs like I have acceleration on my mouse, NO I DON'T as you can clearly see it only happens in this game.


    Edit: Reddit thread I've found talking about something similar but from the dev pov:


    This post was edited by Erlaanz at November 20, 2021 9:51 AM PST
    • 2129 posts
    November 20, 2021 10:10 AM PST
    What’s odd about this is my sensitivity changes based upon region that I join. It feels stiffer in regions where my ping is above 150 and accelerates when I am in regions with lower ping.
    • 285 posts
    November 20, 2021 11:14 AM PST

    Probably one of the biggest thing after FPS that I miss about warmeristy unity, was the mouse movement. Even with maximum framerates, the game doesn't feel the same as it did before, because of this weird mouse movement. I could never really explain what was different about it, but I always knew something was off. Many people complained about it until we eventually had to make peace with it. 

    I don't think Max purposely did this or he's purposely not removing it, maybe this is just another webgl thing that he can't do anything about. 

    • 2129 posts
    November 20, 2021 11:27 AM PST
    Movement here feels really choppy and odd.
    • 257 posts
    November 20, 2021 11:59 AM PST

    DeathBringer908 said:

    Probably one of the biggest thing after FPS that I miss about warmeristy unity, was the mouse movement. Even with maximum framerates, the game doesn't feel the same as it did before, because of this weird mouse movement. I could never really explain what was different about it, but I always knew something was off. Many people complained about it until we eventually had to make peace with it. 

    I don't think Max purposely did this or he's purposely not removing it, maybe this is just another webgl thing that he can't do anything about. 

    I completely understand that it might be hard for him to fix it or that it might have something to do just with WebGL, but when I mentioned in the past or a couple people I know such as Kazuya mentioned it he dismissed the topic.

    I understand some players making peace with it because most of the players only play Warmerise or other small web browser games since most of the people who are playing web browser games are those who don't have/cannot afford  to have that good of a computer so it's their only option, at least it's what it was for me and most of the friends I met over the years in BeGone or here.

    But some of us who play other games whenever you try Warmerise after a while it feels horrible and if you were to play it often it would ruin your aim sense in every other game.

    • 257 posts
    November 20, 2021 12:17 PM PST

    WingsofRedemption said: What’s odd about this is my sensitivity changes based upon region that I join. It feels stiffer in regions where my ping is above 150 and accelerates when I am in regions with lower ping.

    Honestly most of the problems have to do with WebGL. This sensitivity problem everyone has, low framerate and the game feels slightly more laggy than it did in Standalone version.

    I myself always supported the Standalone version, some people supported Max on choosing WebGL over Standalone saying the game would lose a lot of its playerbase since one of its most attractive perks is that you just go on Mozilla or whatever and play. Which is not necessary true, do you think anyone who sees the game in this state where the FPS rate is lame, there all sort of lag issues, sensitivity problems is worth giving a try? Maybe for some but there is a lot of games out there made using Unity which have to be downloaded due to them using Standalone and they still have a decent playerbase.

    It's Saturday 21:00 in EU and I am checking the game right now, at this time in 2015 Sky would be full and you would have to wait for someone to leave just so you can join. The actual playerbase was there, people who actually had an account and would play for endless hours. Now Sky has 6/16 players and there is just 12 servers and 81 players, most populated one being 12/16. Is this really what warmerise has come to? We risk it all and throw it all out the window back in 2017 saying no to Standalone just so people can "play" the game in an easier way. Honestly anyone who says the game is enjoyable to play at this state with low framerate in servers with above 14 players, high ping all over the place and the worst sensitivity I've ever seen is out of their mind or they've never played a proper FPS game.

    I guess we will be waiting until 2030 for multithread to be done and the game to work like it used to in 2016. For those of us who were there in 2017 when the game reopened just look back and remember how absurdly bad the game was when it had WebGL but promises were made that "soon" the game would work fine again, it's almost 2022 we are still waiting. Guess we have to wait until 2030 for a game from 2012 to work like it did in 2016.

    At last want to point out I am not blaming Max for some of the stuff mentioned, only partly. But something that is his fault is choosing WebGL over Standalone all this time, and many of his buttlickers allowing him to do so.


    *For ppl who don't wanna read this long *** text: Choosing "playerbase" over decent gameplay.

    This post was edited by Erlaanz at November 20, 2021 12:19 PM PST
    • 2129 posts
    November 20, 2021 2:23 PM PST

    Yeah I support multi-threading as well 100% I feel like this game could really grow a lot form somthing like that.  Like you said the amount of lag/fps/mouse issues are an issue, I feel like that is one of the reasons I don't really enjoy this game that much anymore.  Also if we did have a standalone I feel like the player-base would become much larger.  The most busy I have seen warmerise prior shutdown was almost 1,000 members online at a time,  And now barley 100.

    • 493 posts
    November 21, 2021 2:53 PM PST

    I have an old pc . Which means that sometimes my fps will drop below 60, see very below like 30 fps. Due to this problem I have to change my sensitivity (the ideal being 2.75 for me), I sometimes increase or decrease it simply because due to the lag and low fps, my aim is much less precise, which sometimes makes the game impossible to play. This year I will surely have a new pc in good condition. I really hope that the sensitivity of my aim will be stable.

    • 653 posts
    November 23, 2021 2:15 AM PST

    problem is the mouse delay it feels weird when you play the game