1v1 gamemode
Zombie mode
Free for all mode
i want battle royale mode (like in fortnite and pubg)
GameMode: Survival
Summary: All Players in Team, Bots Attacking Players, Waves: 0/10, After each one Wave it gets more Harder, one with most kills gets most XP, Bonus XP Normal.
i want you to to add the gamemode with selective weapons, sometimes GAMERS wants to fight Alone with Sniper and KNIFE, AND players play with that but some players use auto , so they make our game messy... So i Request you to please add Selective Weapons mode for different levels.
hi Max
I think this will be necessary for all players I was talking to airwolf the top 1 for what they don't know him and we were playing on his server a knife they started using gun I mean ump40, carbine, etc the point is that he told airwolf that max they should put a mode where the creator of the server has a weapon selection mode so that the creator chooses if it is gun or knife, for example if it is knife, put the weapon Knife, Katana, Tomahank if it is gun all the weapons this is for that they do not use gun if they are in the knife game mode I think this idea would be good for all the members because it would be easier to play and not have to vote for anyone on the server for using weapons that are not being used in the mode of game
elitetrooper said:great idea and i would look forward to it, and as for myself i also want FFA and FFA eliminationI want a capture the flag mode and new maps for it. I also want a mode where the red team tries to deliver this bomb to the blue base and blow it up by shooting it. and the blue team can go in bunkers to save themselfs, and it's elimination at the same time.