Forums » Bugs & Suggestions

    • 149 posts
    April 11, 2022 12:44 PM PDT

    You're in game, walking around, getting kills here and there, and decide to ask someone for some *******


    except the word ******* gets censored

    and you think to yourself: 

    wat da heck



    Suggestion: make the censor client-side, so you can choose to enable or disable the censor. Default will be enabled, and disabling censor will bring up a confirmation box to keep players safe. 

    • 149 posts
    April 11, 2022 12:45 PM PDT

    as you can see, the asterisks are censoring the word cosh (intentionallymispelled to avoid censor).

    This post was edited by Stoplookin9 at April 11, 2022 12:45 PM PDT
    • 121 posts
    April 11, 2022 6:37 PM PDT

    I liked the idea you suggested. Censor should be in client-side because communaction with other players really bad.  Additionally we have option called "Block Member" in game servers. If we dont like someones attidue we can block them thus their sent messages will not appear to us. 

    • 653 posts
    April 14, 2022 9:19 PM PDT

    censored the word qash so that rytarded kids will stop begging like stray dogs. well basically an anti-beg feature in my pov

    • 31 posts
    April 14, 2022 9:20 PM PDT

    F0X said:

    censored the word qash so that rytarded kids will stop begging like stray dogs. well basically an anti-beg feature in my pov

    you need some manners

    • 653 posts
    April 14, 2022 10:02 PM PDT

    *censored the word qash so that other players will stop begging. well basically an anti-beg feature in my pov


    • 149 posts
    April 16, 2022 11:32 AM PDT

    lol I agree


    too many beggars


    still you should have at least some flexibility on censored words, making censor client-side is good.