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My take on some weapon nerfs.

  • June 16, 2022 3:08 PM PDT

    Okay this might be biased since well it's coming from a sniper main but I mean some weapons do need a nerf. Welp lets begin.

    (note: don't take this literally and this buff and nerfs idea are most likely going to do more bad than good.)


    Mini-G: I dunno really, stats seem fine in both shop and ingame maybe decrease its rev up time by 2 milliseconds????

    Ga3a: The Ga3a is a intersting weapon because its a decades old automatic-rifle and Warmerise is a futristic game, getting back to the topic the G3 is weak basically. What I believe is the fair buff for this monster is +5 dmg for bodyshots, legs shots can stay and headshots +5 also.

    BlastGun: This weapon seems "balanced" in my own opinion since well its smg, shoot faster but do less dmg, but what I believe Max could do is nerf the reserve ammo.

    Carbine: There is nothing wrong with it, its balanced and its like the AK47 in CS:GO. High damage but high recoil.

    G36: The G36 does deserve a nerf since its basically a big brother of the Carbine. What I believe should be done is just increase the recoil and nothing else.

    Thats all thanks for reading this dumpster fire of a nerf list



    • 2129 posts
    June 16, 2022 6:24 PM PDT
    What’s funny is you want to nerf guns that don’t need to be nerfed but guns that need to be nerfed you don’t want to nerf.
  • June 16, 2022 6:59 PM PDT

    Dellacona said: What’s funny is you want to nerf guns that don’t need to be nerfed but guns that need to be nerfed you don’t want to nerf.
    Bascially thats it, kinda addressing the obvious.

  • Ill
    • 31 posts
    June 17, 2022 12:22 AM PDT

    To have a say in nerfing or buffing a gun, you must at least own it and have 1k+ kills with it.

    • 653 posts
    June 30, 2022 4:05 AM PDT

    Dellacona said: What’s funny is you want to nerf guns that don’t need to be nerfed but guns that need to be nerfed you don’t want to nerf.
    true lol