When there are so many crappy maps out, why take out the two best ones? Please bring back TheIsland2016 and SnowWar. We were promised an update of theisland but never got it, and why you cancelled snow war I have no Idea. Now there's a bunch of cheesy sniper maps and the ones with all the makeup.
Max wasn't the creator of these maps. i3slkiller was and he made it pretty clear why he removed them:
- https://warmerise.com/forums/topic/631/i3slkiller-s-maps/view/post_id/40229
The new island map might be coming soon (source).
I honestly don't get why TheIsland2016 is a loved map. I personally hate how spread out the map and resupply points are, and how the map promotes you getting two headshots and teleproting to the enemy spawn to camp the ever living hell out of them. Snow War was fine though.
snow war had too much sweats and spawn campers and theisland had way too many snipers spawn camping bases on hills. so i get why they are removed. but now all i see are garbage sniping maps, which i don't get that much XP from. the snow war gave me 300 (minumim) on melee mode. so im pretty upset
You can call it XP farming but it is a good, fast paced map for when you might not have much time to play, like if you're at school or have something to do. You shouldn't have to fork over cash to have a good time, honestly I would if I had a credit card, but that's sketchy over the internet anyway. Some people like certain maps and some don't, I think they should leave them as they are, at least keep theisland 2016 until the new one comes. And if you're worried about xp farming I would just cut it out because snow war is just downright fun.
TheIsland IV, based on i3skiller's forum, will have added a building on both bases. based on my theory, this is added to discourage snipers who spawn camp (unfortunetly I'm also guilty of this xd) Before bcz of spawn campers, players (especially who don't use snipers) have almost no way of killing the camper bcz they always hide behind the hill. Most players never even get to their tower base or move 30 steps before the get sniped outta nowhere.
I only wish the TheIsland IV will be released sooner, and snow war be improved and republished.
(Basically TI IV is an improved version of TI 2016. correct me if I'm wrong though)
Spacetrooper said:Well I personally think it wasn't that leggy... like bad ping was still anyoing but I can't remember that it was like: your ducking behind a wall and after 1 second you still die. Also there was no 3rd person. (Well for the majority of the time. It came near the end but I'm not too shure anymore) Full servers. A lot of people playing. Like 100 servers where a Normal thing. Not like now where you have times you only see 5 servers with crappy maps. There have been so many great people. The toxicity wasn't that high. Yes there where fight ofc. But i saw nououb as one of the biggest insult in the game. There where exeptions with higher and bigger insults but it wasn't like the "normal" insults oke it is now. Great clans. There where so many great clans where it wasn't like you have 3 considered pro clans that basically share all members between them. Usually 1 clan only rule or sometimes 3, highest was 5 clans max. So you really had to consider wich clan you want to join. Smooth gameplay! In general. Well bugs happend ofc. But it wasn't like your close to a person to shoot but bc of lag the other person still shoots you... I can continue so on. And fill 50 pages...ouch. was this game better before the shutdown? how and why was it if it was?