New Month 3/9/2023
CITY WAR 2023 Coming soon
Check this Unity Editor
you are like the new Anntonivik
all of his maps dont even pass half of the minimal requirements in making maps. + his maps dont even have proper hitboxes
Samvel is becoming the next Antonnovik...
I know antonnovik.
oh my god @castiel @chronospectrum we need both of u
BRUH THE MAP'S HITBOXED (which finnally are here!) ARE WAY TOO BIG. you can't even go through the allyways and barely interact with the buildings. 2 star...
Because he took assets from Unity and didn't even bother to make the buildings properly
No Recycle bin allowed.
thats an actual decent drawing of a trash can lol
it only took me like 20 seconds to draw it
lol. you drew that?
trash can > recycle bin
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