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Elimination TrapMine-Bug: Not disappearing Tmines

    • 285 posts
    April 4, 2023 9:01 AM PDT

    So this bug happend to me today (04.04.2023). TrapMines would not disappear in elimination mode after the round ended. If you walk over them they dont explode so thats not the issue. But its very irritating because you never know wether its a bug-mine or an exploding trapmine. Especially when its not disappearing after a longer round or after several rounds.

    Link to video where its shown:

    • Moderator
    • 998 posts
    April 4, 2023 10:28 AM PDT
    Will check it soon.
  • April 4, 2023 11:23 AM PDT

    yes its happened many time for me 

    • 955 posts
    April 4, 2023 8:59 PM PDT
    Also speaking of trap mines, can you possibly remove/fix the feature of additionals disappearing after you die? I would have gotten so much more XP if it was a feature that didn’t disappear. It’s very annoying. And trap mines are buggy due to them exploding when people were through a wall or above/under it. Unless mines could hit through walls, but that would make it unrealistic. I want better mine physics.
    • 285 posts
    April 5, 2023 1:36 AM PDT

    Spacetrooper said: Also speaking of trap mines, can you possibly remove/fix the feature of additionals disappearing after you die? I would have gotten so much more XP if it was a feature that didn’t disappear. It’s very annoying. And trap mines are buggy due to them exploding when people were through a wall or above/under it. Unless mines could hit through walls, but that would make it unrealistic. I want better mine physics.

    I would say: additionals disappearing depending on wich one. Bc mines should disapear bc thats kinda op if it would lie around the whole time. Nades is debadeable.

    If you couldnt trigger mines through wall mines would get super op and anyoing. Especially on places where you cant see them. Basically put a mine directly around a corner. You cant shoot them. You can only trigger them by walking across them. Especially people that tend to sit in an corner would get the most op tactic in this game and they are already pretty strong... Shure you could use shild for those situations but i personally say that would get an really boring timegame on sertain maps (Bigger maps is something else). And warmerise especially in eliminationmode is short time game not a long time game...

    • 955 posts
    April 5, 2023 7:06 AM PDT
    Well that’s kind of the deal. I hate it when I place my mines, someone walks under or above it, and they all set off and I die, without them taking damage. Land mines are set off when someone either steps on them or in games, goes near one. In this game it triggers as someone is behind a wall, which shouldn’t happen.
  • Eve
    • 332 posts
    April 5, 2023 7:23 AM PDT

    Spacetrooper said: Also speaking of trap mines, can you possibly remove/fix the feature of additionals disappearing after you die? I would have gotten so much more XP if it was a feature that didn’t disappear. It’s very annoying. And trap mines are buggy due to them exploding when people were through a wall or above/under it. Unless mines could hit through walls, but that would make it unrealistic. I want better mine physics.

    ???????? ok farmer, but uh, additionals not disappearing would mean v spammers (like yourself) would fill the entire floor with trap mines. Not very good. 

  • Eve
    • 332 posts
    April 5, 2023 7:26 AM PDT

    Max said: Will check it soon.

    There's also a bug where if you go up a ladder with a trap mine above it wont go off until you go past from the same level. Pretty annoying bug.

    • 955 posts
    April 5, 2023 1:00 PM PDT
    I use my additionals wisely and use them for infiltration tactics. And it won’t be like you can fill the entire map with mines. That can’t even happen. It should happen like this: you place 3 mines, die, then place another one at spawn (for testing purposes) and one of mines disappears.