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Flame thrower is the best weapon ever!

    • 36 posts
    April 25, 2023 7:07 AM PDT

    I put off buying it until I bought all of the other main weapons, besides the better shotgun. I never thought it could be useful. Short distance, you have to be close.

    I was so wrong! I wasn't in any hurry to get it, but I finally got enough coins and bought it. It's my favorite weapon of all!
    When you get close enough to use it, the other guy can't see exactly where you are, and they keep shooting off in the wrong direction. Just strafe and keep the flame on, and they roast.

    A horrible monstrosity in real life that should never have existed, but terrible fun in Warmerise!

  • April 25, 2023 7:25 AM PDT

    Also abuse the red places to ruin ab

    • 287 posts
    April 25, 2023 8:11 AM PDT
    Badazz said:

    I put off buying it until I bought all of the other main weapons, besides the better shotgun. I never thought it could be useful. Short distance, you have to be close.

    I was so wrong! I wasn't in any hurry to get it, but I finally got enough coins and bought it. It's my favorite weapon of all!
    When you get close enough to use it, the other guy can't see exactly where you are, and they keep shooting off in the wrong direction. Just strafe and keep the flame on, and they roast.

    A horrible monstrosity in real life that should never have existed, but terrible fun in Warmerise!

    It's fun as long delay doesn't screw you over. Bc than people can still see you for some seconds before flame gets between you and the person. But sadly delay happens on regular basis
    • 149 posts
    May 26, 2023 5:05 PM PDT

    POV: flamethrower can damage through wall


    Me saving for clan: 


    Looks at flamethrower price


