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    • 441 posts
    May 25, 2024 6:44 PM PDT

    Eve said:

    EpicTr0ll said: he is not one of them, he is just a pro xD

    that does not prove anything, everytime i play as Eve, i always tell people who i am. unlike you sneaking in the Warmerise Community discord and then you say: "i am the real pampa" XD

    it proves that someone clearly hacked on the account "Eve" you admitting that you were in fact playing on the account "Eve" on my video another proof that its your discord since i know your coward rat *** will say this as next excuse

    not just a shtty chter but also a shtty liar unlucky :/

  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    May 25, 2024 6:49 PM PDT

    EpicTr0ll said:

    Eve said:

    EpicTr0ll said: he is not one of them, he is just a pro xD

    that does not prove anything, everytime i play as Eve, i always tell people who i am. unlike you sneaking in the Warmerise Community discord and then you say: "i am the real pampa" XD

    it proves that someone clearly hacked on the account "Eve" you admitting that you were in fact playing on the account "Eve" on my video another proof that its your discord since i know your coward rat *** will say this as next excuse

    not just a shtty chter but also a shtty liar unlucky :/

    what is that supposed to prove though? you literally show my alt discord account that i named "Erwiflow" as a joke to get attention? XDD. So what if you delete your warm account rn and i make new acc named "EpicTr0ll"? that means i am now you? :o we swapped souls bro.
    edit: i dont even try to act like someone else with that discord acc, i literally do everything like i usual do on the accounts that people know its me, talk like myself and everything on that account.

    This post was edited by Eve at May 25, 2024 6:50 PM PDT
    • 441 posts
    May 25, 2024 6:55 PM PDT

    Eve said:

    EpicTr0ll said:

    Eve said:

    EpicTr0ll said: he is not one of them, he is just a pro xD

    that does not prove anything, everytime i play as Eve, i always tell people who i am. unlike you sneaking in the Warmerise Community discord and then you say: "i am the real pampa" XD

    it proves that someone clearly hacked on the account "Eve" you admitting that you were in fact playing on the account "Eve" on my video another proof that its your discord since i know your coward rat *** will say this as next excuse

    not just a shtty chter but also a shtty liar unlucky :/

    what is that supposed to prove though? you literally show my alt discord account that i named "Erwiflow" as a joke to get attention? XDD. So what if you delete your warm account rn and i make new acc named "EpicTr0ll"? that means i am now you? :o we swapped souls bro.
    edit: i dont even try to act like someone else with that discord acc, i literally do everything like i usual do on the accounts that people know its me, talk like myself and everything on that account.

    xDDD this kkid

    so are you denying the fact of hacking or denying that you played on the acc when i recorded it? because im literally showing proof of both?

  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    May 25, 2024 6:57 PM PDT

    EpicTr0ll said:

    Eve said:

    EpicTr0ll said:

    Eve said:

    EpicTr0ll said: he is not one of them, he is just a pro xD

    that does not prove anything, everytime i play as Eve, i always tell people who i am. unlike you sneaking in the Warmerise Community discord and then you say: "i am the real pampa" XD

    it proves that someone clearly hacked on the account "Eve" you admitting that you were in fact playing on the account "Eve" on my video another proof that its your discord since i know your coward rat *** will say this as next excuse

    not just a shtty chter but also a shtty liar unlucky :/

    what is that supposed to prove though? you literally show my alt discord account that i named "Erwiflow" as a joke to get attention? XDD. So what if you delete your warm account rn and i make new acc named "EpicTr0ll"? that means i am now you? :o we swapped souls bro.
    edit: i dont even try to act like someone else with that discord acc, i literally do everything like i usual do on the accounts that people know its me, talk like myself and everything on that account.

    xDDD this kkid

    so are you denying the fact of hacking or denying that you played on the acc when i recorded it? because im literally showing proof of both?

    and you don t remember my message about that stuff? you got amnesia bud?

  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    May 25, 2024 7:00 PM PDT

    seriously, i cant imagine the parents making someone hoping that the kid will be "smart, worth it and a good person" for the past 9 months but they end up making a joke that was not even funny like EpicTroll

  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    May 25, 2024 7:03 PM PDT

    anyway i gtg now its morning and i sleep. i am a nyctophile but i bet you can t even handle and stay up to 2 AM XD @Epictroll such a trzh and heliophile person

    • 441 posts
    May 25, 2024 7:11 PM PDT

    i just posted proof of you using chits and u start yapping about the most random sht classic inesop moment

    This post was edited by EpicTr0ll at May 25, 2024 8:07 PM PDT
    • 98 posts
    May 25, 2024 11:48 PM PDT
    What are these words you write? Actually none of kaa have a real problem against you, none of us care about the game or play it anymore. I don’t hate you, neither does anyone in the clan. A lot of players in the game have made a false narrative that we have personal vendettas against them. It’s just not true, we like to be friendly with everyone. I played warmerise a few times after the game went to sh.t on my alt Elec, no surprise that there were many cheaters and that you were one of them lol. I personally don’t give a f*ck if you cheat, thats your choice, your life. If you talk about having decency, at least ADMIT what you are doing. There is no one here to ban you anymore, so no need to lie. There is no need to pretend to be that skilled either, shooting through walls and having lag switch kills consecutively is not a skill either. There is no way to display real skill in this game anymore. I’ve hit Immortal 3 380+ RR in Valorant/Global Elite in CSGO and played in decently high elo in faceit and I can assure you I know what I’m talking about when it comes to playing with real aim and movements. Btw I’m not mentioning either of my ranks to gloat or say I’m better than everyone, I was never that type of person. You just need to admit that you are not doing something right bc its rly pathetic to do this ****, you would feel the same if someone cheated against you in your own days of being legit. Prove that you are a good person, not only by typing good things but admitting what you are doing.

    Have a good day.
    This post was edited by Kazuya at May 25, 2024 11:53 PM PDT
    • 252 posts
    May 26, 2024 4:25 AM PDT

    Eve said:

    Barbsie said:

    Eve said:

    Barbsie said:

    A kid named Inesop whom i don't know is trying to impersonate me. Apparently he plays with an unregistered account introduces himself as me or kaa member and uses cheats. 

    Let's ignore unregistered accounts that behave like this friends. 

    Additionally i don't play on unregistered accounts. You can find me playing on either this account or my alt futuristic

    since when did i try to impersonate you or any of the kaa members? do you really think i care about this dead clan which is not even competent in anything? no wonder you are from turkey, i am not surprised that you wrote this no sense as i ve heard that the 85% of the turkish people did not even get a ninth grade certificate. you can say that i play as an unregistered account once your friends from KAA clan stop making alts and then being toxic to me on these "mysterious" accounts that even a kindergarten kid can guess that its them? but nah, you ve nothing else to say here except that i apparently "introduce myself as you or kaa member" as an unregistered account while i don t even care about the existence of all kaa members? funny how you re just making a forum topic about me saying i play on unregistered accounts while your friend Kazuya does not play on his main account pretending that he quit the game but then he plays on his other account which is named "elec" (he is also Perfecto) and also he begs to Demacron to share his account to him so that he can play. and Hysteria made alts, one of them was named "m0nesy" and then he told to me while i was playing "just admit ur garbage and retire this game inetrzh". or should i say "m0nk3y"? he can not be calling me a trzh while he literally had a fight talking about skills with a botfarmer (letsplay). that colombian mf also has another account named "Sownjuu" where he uses lagswitch? then why dont you complain about him using cheats? every turkish people in this world such as SwagTwiq, You and other turkish players in Warmerise should just suçḱ that gigantic dic of Roberto Esquivel Cabrera and choke to the death while doing it or else the world will be downhill, cheers buddy lmao.
    and don t reply here because i gave you all the words i had against you and the whole KAA clan. i would not talk here anymore because of how hard i just sht on you. so if you have more bullsht to say, you have my permission, you can bark here all you want, but i told you, i ll not reply here. thanks for the fun.

    Every time I enter game an unregistered player shows up claims to be a kaa-40 member and suddenly activates cheats only a cowardly cheater kid just like you would do something like that. You're nothing but a disgusting liar who does not speak logicially and spreads slander. You say you don't care about kaa members but you spy on them how funny. 

    Instead of playing this game every day and harassing others from different accounts, learn to be a man and face them like a real man. Additionally find a life outside of Warmerise try touching some grass or something. Forcing people into duels every day by using cheats in this game just proves how low your IQ level is. 

    Inesop uses cheats in game and later plays the innocent role. As i said stop spying on people and spreading slander. Apologize to the community for using cheats then do something nice for your family to make them proud. Don't make a fool of yourself here my friend. 


    i said i won t reply here but you got me started again. dude you re the real liar here. i literally swear on my life that i never pretended to be a KaA mEmBeR as an unregistered account. you are just literally here blaming me for the things that i didnt even do, maybe you mistake me into someone. you go ahead and join every server in the game that is available right now, even if it not now, you ll see 40% of the playerbase is using cheats. if a random players kills someone by a headshot by accident it means they are me? like not everyone who makes a single headshot is me. if i play, my ping mostly in Europe East should be 80-100. just Europe 50-80, USA East 170+ USA WEST 220-250. if there is someone using cheats with the same ping as me, then its Miger
    and no i am not Miger, i have seen him play many times using Infinite HP and fly and stuff like that.

    if you really think i play as unreg then provide some proof that its me. talking about "spying" people, when i joined ModernCity in 2023 during the time when Max re-capped the fps to 240, someone told me "i think barbsie was looking for you". after that i found you in secretlab and you told me some stuff about that disable fps limit, and i am actually a sniper/plasma player and as you stated that thing works with only automatics. (i am gonna explain that later). if you are accussing me of apparently spying on kaa members then why were you spying on me that day for no reason? i never play as an unreg unless if i have to, if i go unreg, i just go to see whats happening in the game.

    i said "dude you re the real liar here" but that does not mean that i am actually saying you lied, it could be a misunderstanding where you thought someone was else me. none in this game has any sort of auto aim or anything, except for Erwiflow. that could also be him. his ping in usa east is 100-120 and im not from USA, and that also proves that the guy in the video (Erwiflooooooow) is not me and its not me cheating there. just check the ping of the player each time you meet someone that is pretending to be a KAA member. and if anyone uses cheats as an unregistered, then its just probably lagswitch, and that is DEFINITELY not me. funny how many people while im playing say lagswitch just because that my PC is bad and when my fps gets low my ping increases too but it doesnt do anything to my pov, none freezes. and yet they say lagswitch but the bluds are such of morons that they cant see that i am actually tracking them, i am not shooting to any sort of frozen position. so @xPsycho i suggest you not to say anything unless you ve got some real proof that i am Erwiflow. and to you barb, i say it once again, i swear i never pretended to be you or a KAA member as an unregistered account. i am talking to you in my nice way and kind words to let you know that i am not the player you think. there are literally too many people using cheats in this game, there are like only 40 people online average a day in this game and 10 of them use lagswitch, and i am not any of them. you can just see people like: Axiira, LOL2020, xSyna, Voldemort (xJinn), JuiceWrld, Necromancer (trenbolone) and many more. and here is the proof of them cheating.
    and you can see how this random kid is begging to people for hacks, a hacker who got into his account leaked the messages:

    so why dont you just take your time to do some investigating instead of blaming me the everything others do with their cheats?

    and i am sure that you can just spot LOL2020 using lag switch everytime he plays. and if anyone cheats as an unreg pretending to be someone else, its one of these people i listed here. i say it once again, i never pretended to be any of the KAA member, and i swear. in fact i dont even care about this game, i just only play for fun and pretending to be someone else or a member of a popular clan is not a part of my leisure time.

    if you think someone cheats and you think its me, since many people think i use aimbot, just take a look at the gameplay carefully and make sure to know if its a lagswitch or aimbot.

    and i repeat it once again: "i swear on my life i never played as an unreg and i never pretended to be a KAA member or you"

    and i can literally write this 100 times if you want.

    just do some investigating and just make it clear and understand if its me or someone else. like, checking the ping of players like minimum, you have heard about Pressing TAB and looking at the ping to figure out who it is? 

    so what else do you want me to do? you want to frame me the things that i did not even do and you want to make me do it? and everytime we should watch your words about you announcing in the forums like a reportage in the news TV channel "inesop did this, inesop did that". like what? i literally never played as an unreg pretending to be someone else and i ll just be upfront and tell you, the idea of me playing as a guest and pretending to be someone else, is literally removed from my brain. if i really wanted to impersonate you, you and me have the same ping so i could just easily go unregistered and headshot everyone, pretend to be you. its that easy but i dont do it. and you see i am a good person and i dont ever try to steal anyone s identity. if you dont believe me thats fine, everyone has their own opinions, but i know myself that i am right.

    and by the way to everyone, many people say that i ruin sky just by playing there. if you really think that i am a cheater, you really want me to believe that you are so backward that you don t know that you can kick me out of the server with one click? just start a vote kick and literally we know that everyone hates me, everyone would vote yes against me.

    if you played one match with me and you didnt like it, then why didnt you just leave me alone and say like "i dont wanna play with this guy anymore" and why dont you just say "nevermind" and hang me on your dic like nothing (just ignore me)?

    "i play with inesop and i don t like him because he headshots me too much" bro, you dont draw that conclusion based on only one game with me right? but its enough that you play only one match with me, create an imagination about me and then leave me alone?

    and to @Barbsie to what you re just looking at right now (someone is cheating and pretending to be me) that is not me and there are literally 854954455456 people using cheats right now in this game, and i will say it, what you are just seeing right now, the playing as unregistered, using cheats and pretending to be someone is done more than a million times by a lot of other players. and i am not one of them. believe what you want, i know that i am right, honest and true, and i already swore on my life.

    This does not change the fact that in Antarctica there are 21 million penguins and in Malta there are 502,653 inhabitants. So if the penguins decide to invade Malta, each Maltese will have to fight 42 penguins.

    • 441 posts
    May 26, 2024 12:10 PM PDT

    Kazuya said: What are these words you write? Actually none of kaa have a real problem against you, none of us care about the game or play it anymore. I don’t hate you, neither does anyone in the clan. A lot of players in the game have made a false narrative that we have personal vendettas against them. It’s just not true, we like to be friendly with everyone. I played warmerise a few times after the game went to sh.t on my alt Elec, no surprise that there were many cheaters and that you were one of them lol. I personally don’t give a f*ck if you cheat, thats your choice, your life. If you talk about having decency, at least ADMIT what you are doing. There is no one here to ban you anymore, so no need to lie. There is no need to pretend to be that skilled either, shooting through walls and having lag switch kills consecutively is not a skill either. There is no way to display real skill in this game anymore. I’ve hit Immortal 3 380+ RR in Valorant/Global Elite in CSGO and played in decently high elo in faceit and I can assure you I know what I’m talking about when it comes to playing with real aim and movements. Btw I’m not mentioning either of my ranks to gloat or say I’m better than everyone, I was never that type of person. You just need to admit that you are not doing something right bc its rly pathetic to do this ****, you would feel the same if someone cheated against you in your own days of being legit. Prove that you are a good person, not only by typing good things but admitting what you are doing. Have a good day.

    thats cool but are you nyctophile or heliophile tho

    • 252 posts
    May 26, 2024 12:13 PM PDT

    EpicTr0ll said:

    Kazuya said: What are these words you write? Actually none of kaa have a real problem against you, none of us care about the game or play it anymore. I don’t hate you, neither does anyone in the clan. A lot of players in the game have made a false narrative that we have personal vendettas against them. It’s just not true, we like to be friendly with everyone. I played warmerise a few times after the game went to sh.t on my alt Elec, no surprise that there were many cheaters and that you were one of them lol. I personally don’t give a f*ck if you cheat, thats your choice, your life. If you talk about having decency, at least ADMIT what you are doing. There is no one here to ban you anymore, so no need to lie. There is no need to pretend to be that skilled either, shooting through walls and having lag switch kills consecutively is not a skill either. There is no way to display real skill in this game anymore. I’ve hit Immortal 3 380+ RR in Valorant/Global Elite in CSGO and played in decently high elo in faceit and I can assure you I know what I’m talking about when it comes to playing with real aim and movements. Btw I’m not mentioning either of my ranks to gloat or say I’m better than everyone, I was never that type of person. You just need to admit that you are not doing something right bc its rly pathetic to do this ****, you would feel the same if someone cheated against you in your own days of being legit. Prove that you are a good person, not only by typing good things but admitting what you are doing. Have a good day.

    thats cool but are you nyctophile or heliophile tho

    Paulaa in my dms rn sending the most perverted stuff known to man

    • 441 posts
    May 26, 2024 12:23 PM PDT

    Erlaanz said:

    EpicTr0ll said:

    Kazuya said: What are these words you write? Actually none of kaa have a real problem against you, none of us care about the game or play it anymore. I don’t hate you, neither does anyone in the clan. A lot of players in the game have made a false narrative that we have personal vendettas against them. It’s just not true, we like to be friendly with everyone. I played warmerise a few times after the game went to sh.t on my alt Elec, no surprise that there were many cheaters and that you were one of them lol. I personally don’t give a f*ck if you cheat, thats your choice, your life. If you talk about having decency, at least ADMIT what you are doing. There is no one here to ban you anymore, so no need to lie. There is no need to pretend to be that skilled either, shooting through walls and having lag switch kills consecutively is not a skill either. There is no way to display real skill in this game anymore. I’ve hit Immortal 3 380+ RR in Valorant/Global Elite in CSGO and played in decently high elo in faceit and I can assure you I know what I’m talking about when it comes to playing with real aim and movements. Btw I’m not mentioning either of my ranks to gloat or say I’m better than everyone, I was never that type of person. You just need to admit that you are not doing something right bc its rly pathetic to do this ****, you would feel the same if someone cheated against you in your own days of being legit. Prove that you are a good person, not only by typing good things but admitting what you are doing. Have a good day.

    thats cool but are you nyctophile or heliophile tho

    Paulaa in my dms rn sending the most perverted stuff known to man

    show ss i will spank her if this is true -.-

    • 252 posts
    May 26, 2024 1:53 PM PDT

    EpicTr0ll said:

    Erlaanz said:

    EpicTr0ll said:

    Kazuya said: What are these words you write? Actually none of kaa have a real problem against you, none of us care about the game or play it anymore. I don’t hate you, neither does anyone in the clan. A lot of players in the game have made a false narrative that we have personal vendettas against them. It’s just not true, we like to be friendly with everyone. I played warmerise a few times after the game went to sh.t on my alt Elec, no surprise that there were many cheaters and that you were one of them lol. I personally don’t give a f*ck if you cheat, thats your choice, your life. If you talk about having decency, at least ADMIT what you are doing. There is no one here to ban you anymore, so no need to lie. There is no need to pretend to be that skilled either, shooting through walls and having lag switch kills consecutively is not a skill either. There is no way to display real skill in this game anymore. I’ve hit Immortal 3 380+ RR in Valorant/Global Elite in CSGO and played in decently high elo in faceit and I can assure you I know what I’m talking about when it comes to playing with real aim and movements. Btw I’m not mentioning either of my ranks to gloat or say I’m better than everyone, I was never that type of person. You just need to admit that you are not doing something right bc its rly pathetic to do this ****, you would feel the same if someone cheated against you in your own days of being legit. Prove that you are a good person, not only by typing good things but admitting what you are doing. Have a good day.

    thats cool but are you nyctophile or heliophile tho

    Paulaa in my dms rn sending the most perverted stuff known to man

    show ss i will spank her if this is true -.-

    • 441 posts
    May 26, 2024 3:13 PM PDT

    Erlaanz said:

    EpicTr0ll said:

    Erlaanz said:

    EpicTr0ll said:

    Kazuya said: What are these words you write? Actually none of kaa have a real problem against you, none of us care about the game or play it anymore. I don’t hate you, neither does anyone in the clan. A lot of players in the game have made a false narrative that we have personal vendettas against them. It’s just not true, we like to be friendly with everyone. I played warmerise a few times after the game went to sh.t on my alt Elec, no surprise that there were many cheaters and that you were one of them lol. I personally don’t give a f*ck if you cheat, thats your choice, your life. If you talk about having decency, at least ADMIT what you are doing. There is no one here to ban you anymore, so no need to lie. There is no need to pretend to be that skilled either, shooting through walls and having lag switch kills consecutively is not a skill either. There is no way to display real skill in this game anymore. I’ve hit Immortal 3 380+ RR in Valorant/Global Elite in CSGO and played in decently high elo in faceit and I can assure you I know what I’m talking about when it comes to playing with real aim and movements. Btw I’m not mentioning either of my ranks to gloat or say I’m better than everyone, I was never that type of person. You just need to admit that you are not doing something right bc its rly pathetic to do this ****, you would feel the same if someone cheated against you in your own days of being legit. Prove that you are a good person, not only by typing good things but admitting what you are doing. Have a good day.

    thats cool but are you nyctophile or heliophile tho

    Paulaa in my dms rn sending the most perverted stuff known to man

    show ss i will spank her if this is true -.-

    she is saying you faked this message with html programming language, the original message said you are a bald egg -.-

    • 100 posts
    May 27, 2024 3:58 AM PDT

    eve is a well mannered player but he is not a human

  • May 27, 2024 5:58 AM PDT

    Eve said:

    Barbsie said:

    Eve said:

    Barbsie said:

    A kid named Inesop whom i don't know is trying to impersonate me. Apparently he plays with an unregistered account introduces himself as me or kaa member and uses cheats. 

    Let's ignore unregistered accounts that behave like this friends. 

    Additionally i don't play on unregistered accounts. You can find me playing on either this account or my alt futuristic

    since when did i try to impersonate you or any of the kaa members? do you really think i care about this dead clan which is not even competent in anything? no wonder you are from turkey, i am not surprised that you wrote this no sense as i ve heard that the 85% of the turkish people did not even get a ninth grade certificate. you can say that i play as an unregistered account once your friends from KAA clan stop making alts and then being toxic to me on these "mysterious" accounts that even a kindergarten kid can guess that its them? but nah, you ve nothing else to say here except that i apparently "introduce myself as you or kaa member" as an unregistered account while i don t even care about the existence of all kaa members? funny how you re just making a forum topic about me saying i play on unregistered accounts while your friend Kazuya does not play on his main account pretending that he quit the game but then he plays on his other account which is named "elec" (he is also Perfecto) and also he begs to Demacron to share his account to him so that he can play. and Hysteria made alts, one of them was named "m0nesy" and then he told to me while i was playing "just admit ur garbage and retire this game inetrzh". or should i say "m0nk3y"? he can not be calling me a trzh while he literally had a fight talking about skills with a botfarmer (letsplay). that colombian mf also has another account named "Sownjuu" where he uses lagswitch? then why dont you complain about him using cheats? every turkish people in this world such as SwagTwiq, You and other turkish players in Warmerise should just suçḱ that gigantic dic of Roberto Esquivel Cabrera and choke to the death while doing it or else the world will be downhill, cheers buddy lmao.
    and don t reply here because i gave you all the words i had against you and the whole KAA clan. i would not talk here anymore because of how hard i just sht on you. so if you have more bullsht to say, you have my permission, you can bark here all you want, but i told you, i ll not reply here. thanks for the fun.

    Every time I enter game an unregistered player shows up claims to be a kaa-40 member and suddenly activates cheats only a cowardly cheater kid just like you would do something like that. You're nothing but a disgusting liar who does not speak logicially and spreads slander. You say you don't care about kaa members but you spy on them how funny. 

    Instead of playing this game every day and harassing others from different accounts, learn to be a man and face them like a real man. Additionally find a life outside of Warmerise try touching some grass or something. Forcing people into duels every day by using cheats in this game just proves how low your IQ level is. 

    Inesop uses cheats in game and later plays the innocent role. As i said stop spying on people and spreading slander. Apologize to the community for using cheats then do something nice for your family to make them proud. Don't make a fool of yourself here my friend. 


    i said i won t reply here but you got me started again. dude you re the real liar here. i literally swear on my life that i never pretended to be a KaA mEmBeR as an unregistered account. you are just literally here blaming me for the things that i didnt even do, maybe you mistake me into someone. you go ahead and join every server in the game that is available right now, even if it not now, you ll see 40% of the playerbase is using cheats. if a random players kills someone by a headshot by accident it means they are me? like not everyone who makes a single headshot is me. if i play, my ping mostly in Europe East should be 80-100. just Europe 50-80, USA East 170+ USA WEST 220-250. if there is someone using cheats with the same ping as me, then its Miger
    and no i am not Miger, i have seen him play many times using Infinite HP and fly and stuff like that.

    if you really think i play as unreg then provide some proof that its me. talking about "spying" people, when i joined ModernCity in 2023 during the time when Max re-capped the fps to 240, someone told me "i think barbsie was looking for you". after that i found you in secretlab and you told me some stuff about that disable fps limit, and i am actually a sniper/plasma player and as you stated that thing works with only automatics. (i am gonna explain that later). if you are accussing me of apparently spying on kaa members then why were you spying on me that day for no reason? i never play as an unreg unless if i have to, if i go unreg, i just go to see whats happening in the game.

    i said "dude you re the real liar here" but that does not mean that i am actually saying you lied, it could be a misunderstanding where you thought someone was else me. none in this game has any sort of auto aim or anything, except for Erwiflow. that could also be him. his ping in usa east is 100-120 and im not from USA, and that also proves that the guy in the video (Erwiflooooooow) is not me and its not me cheating there. just check the ping of the player each time you meet someone that is pretending to be a KAA member. and if anyone uses cheats as an unregistered, then its just probably lagswitch, and that is DEFINITELY not me. funny how many people while im playing say lagswitch just because that my PC is bad and when my fps gets low my ping increases too but it doesnt do anything to my pov, none freezes. and yet they say lagswitch but the bluds are such of morons that they cant see that i am actually tracking them, i am not shooting to any sort of frozen position. so @xPsycho i suggest you not to say anything unless you ve got some real proof that i am Erwiflow. and to you barb, i say it once again, i swear i never pretended to be you or a KAA member as an unregistered account. i am talking to you in my nice way and kind words to let you know that i am not the player you think. there are literally too many people using cheats in this game, there are like only 40 people online average a day in this game and 10 of them use lagswitch, and i am not any of them. you can just see people like: Axiira, LOL2020, xSyna, Voldemort (xJinn), JuiceWrld, Necromancer (trenbolone) and many more. and here is the proof of them cheating.
    and you can see how this random kid is begging to people for hacks, a hacker who got into his account leaked the messages:

    so why dont you just take your time to do some investigating instead of blaming me the everything others do with their cheats?

    and i am sure that you can just spot LOL2020 using lag switch everytime he plays. and if anyone cheats as an unreg pretending to be someone else, its one of these people i listed here. i say it once again, i never pretended to be any of the KAA member, and i swear. in fact i dont even care about this game, i just only play for fun and pretending to be someone else or a member of a popular clan is not a part of my leisure time.

    if you think someone cheats and you think its me, since many people think i use aimbot, just take a look at the gameplay carefully and make sure to know if its a lagswitch or aimbot.

    and i repeat it once again: "i swear on my life i never played as an unreg and i never pretended to be a KAA member or you"

    and i can literally write this 100 times if you want.

    just do some investigating and just make it clear and understand if its me or someone else. like, checking the ping of players like minimum, you have heard about Pressing TAB and looking at the ping to figure out who it is? 

    so what else do you want me to do? you want to frame me the things that i did not even do and you want to make me do it? and everytime we should watch your words about you announcing in the forums like a reportage in the news TV channel "inesop did this, inesop did that". like what? i literally never played as an unreg pretending to be someone else and i ll just be upfront and tell you, the idea of me playing as a guest and pretending to be someone else, is literally removed from my brain. if i really wanted to impersonate you, you and me have the same ping so i could just easily go unregistered and headshot everyone, pretend to be you. its that easy but i dont do it. and you see i am a good person and i dont ever try to steal anyone s identity. if you dont believe me thats fine, everyone has their own opinions, but i know myself that i am right.

    and by the way to everyone, many people say that i ruin sky just by playing there. if you really think that i am a cheater, you really want me to believe that you are so backward that you don t know that you can kick me out of the server with one click? just start a vote kick and literally we know that everyone hates me, everyone would vote yes against me.

    if you played one match with me and you didnt like it, then why didnt you just leave me alone and say like "i dont wanna play with this guy anymore" and why dont you just say "nevermind" and hang me on your dic like nothing (just ignore me)?

    "i play with inesop and i don t like him because he headshots me too much" bro, you dont draw that conclusion based on only one game with me right? but its enough that you play only one match with me, create an imagination about me and then leave me alone?

    and to @Barbsie to what you re just looking at right now (someone is cheating and pretending to be me) that is not me and there are literally 854954455456 people using cheats right now in this game, and i will say it, what you are just seeing right now, the playing as unregistered, using cheats and pretending to be someone is done more than a million times by a lot of other players. and i am not one of them. believe what you want, i know that i am right, honest and true, and i already swore on my life.

    watafak is this cope negga lmfao aint nobody reading this 

    • 127 posts
    May 27, 2024 8:17 AM PDT

    Evesop, or whatever the duck ur name is, if u wanna argue about having a life dont write page-long responses no one actually reads.

    • 127 posts
    May 27, 2024 8:20 AM PDT

    also plz stop jamming my acc with updates, i try to scan anything my friends send me whenever i play and when i got on today i had 39 updates. Peace out, Jesus loves u all.

  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    May 27, 2024 8:27 AM PDT

    Kayamii said:

    Eve said:

    Barbsie said:

    Eve said:

    Barbsie said:

    A kid named Inesop whom i don't know is trying to impersonate me. Apparently he plays with an unregistered account introduces himself as me or kaa member and uses cheats. 

    Let's ignore unregistered accounts that behave like this friends. 

    Additionally i don't play on unregistered accounts. You can find me playing on either this account or my alt futuristic

    since when did i try to impersonate you or any of the kaa members? do you really think i care about this dead clan which is not even competent in anything? no wonder you are from turkey, i am not surprised that you wrote this no sense as i ve heard that the 85% of the turkish people did not even get a ninth grade certificate. you can say that i play as an unregistered account once your friends from KAA clan stop making alts and then being toxic to me on these "mysterious" accounts that even a kindergarten kid can guess that its them? but nah, you ve nothing else to say here except that i apparently "introduce myself as you or kaa member" as an unregistered account while i don t even care about the existence of all kaa members? funny how you re just making a forum topic about me saying i play on unregistered accounts while your friend Kazuya does not play on his main account pretending that he quit the game but then he plays on his other account which is named "elec" (he is also Perfecto) and also he begs to Demacron to share his account to him so that he can play. and Hysteria made alts, one of them was named "m0nesy" and then he told to me while i was playing "just admit ur garbage and retire this game inetrzh". or should i say "m0nk3y"? he can not be calling me a trzh while he literally had a fight talking about skills with a botfarmer (letsplay). that colombian mf also has another account named "Sownjuu" where he uses lagswitch? then why dont you complain about him using cheats? every turkish people in this world such as SwagTwiq, You and other turkish players in Warmerise should just suçḱ that gigantic dic of Roberto Esquivel Cabrera and choke to the death while doing it or else the world will be downhill, cheers buddy lmao.
    and don t reply here because i gave you all the words i had against you and the whole KAA clan. i would not talk here anymore because of how hard i just sht on you. so if you have more bullsht to say, you have my permission, you can bark here all you want, but i told you, i ll not reply here. thanks for the fun.

    Every time I enter game an unregistered player shows up claims to be a kaa-40 member and suddenly activates cheats only a cowardly cheater kid just like you would do something like that. You're nothing but a disgusting liar who does not speak logicially and spreads slander. You say you don't care about kaa members but you spy on them how funny. 

    Instead of playing this game every day and harassing others from different accounts, learn to be a man and face them like a real man. Additionally find a life outside of Warmerise try touching some grass or something. Forcing people into duels every day by using cheats in this game just proves how low your IQ level is. 

    Inesop uses cheats in game and later plays the innocent role. As i said stop spying on people and spreading slander. Apologize to the community for using cheats then do something nice for your family to make them proud. Don't make a fool of yourself here my friend. 


    i said i won t reply here but you got me started again. dude you re the real liar here. i literally swear on my life that i never pretended to be a KaA mEmBeR as an unregistered account. you are just literally here blaming me for the things that i didnt even do, maybe you mistake me into someone. you go ahead and join every server in the game that is available right now, even if it not now, you ll see 40% of the playerbase is using cheats. if a random players kills someone by a headshot by accident it means they are me? like not everyone who makes a single headshot is me. if i play, my ping mostly in Europe East should be 80-100. just Europe 50-80, USA East 170+ USA WEST 220-250. if there is someone using cheats with the same ping as me, then its Miger
    and no i am not Miger, i have seen him play many times using Infinite HP and fly and stuff like that.

    if you really think i play as unreg then provide some proof that its me. talking about "spying" people, when i joined ModernCity in 2023 during the time when Max re-capped the fps to 240, someone told me "i think barbsie was looking for you". after that i found you in secretlab and you told me some stuff about that disable fps limit, and i am actually a sniper/plasma player and as you stated that thing works with only automatics. (i am gonna explain that later). if you are accussing me of apparently spying on kaa members then why were you spying on me that day for no reason? i never play as an unreg unless if i have to, if i go unreg, i just go to see whats happening in the game.

    i said "dude you re the real liar here" but that does not mean that i am actually saying you lied, it could be a misunderstanding where you thought someone was else me. none in this game has any sort of auto aim or anything, except for Erwiflow. that could also be him. his ping in usa east is 100-120 and im not from USA, and that also proves that the guy in the video (Erwiflooooooow) is not me and its not me cheating there. just check the ping of the player each time you meet someone that is pretending to be a KAA member. and if anyone uses cheats as an unregistered, then its just probably lagswitch, and that is DEFINITELY not me. funny how many people while im playing say lagswitch just because that my PC is bad and when my fps gets low my ping increases too but it doesnt do anything to my pov, none freezes. and yet they say lagswitch but the bluds are such of morons that they cant see that i am actually tracking them, i am not shooting to any sort of frozen position. so @xPsycho i suggest you not to say anything unless you ve got some real proof that i am Erwiflow. and to you barb, i say it once again, i swear i never pretended to be you or a KAA member as an unregistered account. i am talking to you in my nice way and kind words to let you know that i am not the player you think. there are literally too many people using cheats in this game, there are like only 40 people online average a day in this game and 10 of them use lagswitch, and i am not any of them. you can just see people like: Axiira, LOL2020, xSyna, Voldemort (xJinn), JuiceWrld, Necromancer (trenbolone) and many more. and here is the proof of them cheating.
    and you can see how this random kid is begging to people for hacks, a hacker who got into his account leaked the messages:

    so why dont you just take your time to do some investigating instead of blaming me the everything others do with their cheats?

    and i am sure that you can just spot LOL2020 using lag switch everytime he plays. and if anyone cheats as an unreg pretending to be someone else, its one of these people i listed here. i say it once again, i never pretended to be any of the KAA member, and i swear. in fact i dont even care about this game, i just only play for fun and pretending to be someone else or a member of a popular clan is not a part of my leisure time.

    if you think someone cheats and you think its me, since many people think i use aimbot, just take a look at the gameplay carefully and make sure to know if its a lagswitch or aimbot.

    and i repeat it once again: "i swear on my life i never played as an unreg and i never pretended to be a KAA member or you"

    and i can literally write this 100 times if you want.

    just do some investigating and just make it clear and understand if its me or someone else. like, checking the ping of players like minimum, you have heard about Pressing TAB and looking at the ping to figure out who it is? 

    so what else do you want me to do? you want to frame me the things that i did not even do and you want to make me do it? and everytime we should watch your words about you announcing in the forums like a reportage in the news TV channel "inesop did this, inesop did that". like what? i literally never played as an unreg pretending to be someone else and i ll just be upfront and tell you, the idea of me playing as a guest and pretending to be someone else, is literally removed from my brain. if i really wanted to impersonate you, you and me have the same ping so i could just easily go unregistered and headshot everyone, pretend to be you. its that easy but i dont do it. and you see i am a good person and i dont ever try to steal anyone s identity. if you dont believe me thats fine, everyone has their own opinions, but i know myself that i am right.

    and by the way to everyone, many people say that i ruin sky just by playing there. if you really think that i am a cheater, you really want me to believe that you are so backward that you don t know that you can kick me out of the server with one click? just start a vote kick and literally we know that everyone hates me, everyone would vote yes against me.

    if you played one match with me and you didnt like it, then why didnt you just leave me alone and say like "i dont wanna play with this guy anymore" and why dont you just say "nevermind" and hang me on your dic like nothing (just ignore me)?

    "i play with inesop and i don t like him because he headshots me too much" bro, you dont draw that conclusion based on only one game with me right? but its enough that you play only one match with me, create an imagination about me and then leave me alone?

    and to @Barbsie to what you re just looking at right now (someone is cheating and pretending to be me) that is not me and there are literally 854954455456 people using cheats right now in this game, and i will say it, what you are just seeing right now, the playing as unregistered, using cheats and pretending to be someone is done more than a million times by a lot of other players. and i am not one of them. believe what you want, i know that i am right, honest and true, and i already swore on my life.

    watafak is this cope negga lmfao aint nobody reading this 

    who tf talks to you? you re literally an alt account of someone, thinking you re capable of something hiding your identity with 700 active alts XD. i heard you said about me and walidou "big balls moment". if you wanna talk about having balls, atleast big or small, come with your main acc or just reveal your identity if you really think you re that brave. of course you dont read it because of the spicy truth there is involved in it. also never forget you literally took an irl photo of yourself in front of your monitor playing warmerise and you said it was wali XD. a guy who literally made a discord alt to talk sht about us, thinks he is smarter than all of us and thinks he achieves anything by "roasting" us on the "mysterious" account. your iq is literally less than ice temperature, and to be honest, you seem really uneducated, instead of rotting in front of your PC, go get a job. If you dont get up, come with the main acc if you wanna talk seriously. thanks.

  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    May 27, 2024 8:31 AM PDT

    pokemonster said:

    Evesop, or whatever the duck ur name is, if u wanna argue about having a life dont write page-long responses no one actually reads.

    why are you even getting involved in this conversation in the first place? you dont even know any of us who post here. by looking at your pfp, account creation date and your talking style, i can tell that you are only 14 and you did not even start shooter gaming before 2017. Just go away because i don t want to hurt you.

  • May 27, 2024 10:48 AM PDT

    Eve said:

    Kayamii said:

    Eve said:

    Barbsie said:

    Eve said:

    Barbsie said:

    A kid named Inesop whom i don't know is trying to impersonate me. Apparently he plays with an unregistered account introduces himself as me or kaa member and uses cheats. 

    Let's ignore unregistered accounts that behave like this friends. 

    Additionally i don't play on unregistered accounts. You can find me playing on either this account or my alt futuristic

    since when did i try to impersonate you or any of the kaa members? do you really think i care about this dead clan which is not even competent in anything? no wonder you are from turkey, i am not surprised that you wrote this no sense as i ve heard that the 85% of the turkish people did not even get a ninth grade certificate. you can say that i play as an unregistered account once your friends from KAA clan stop making alts and then being toxic to me on these "mysterious" accounts that even a kindergarten kid can guess that its them? but nah, you ve nothing else to say here except that i apparently "introduce myself as you or kaa member" as an unregistered account while i don t even care about the existence of all kaa members? funny how you re just making a forum topic about me saying i play on unregistered accounts while your friend Kazuya does not play on his main account pretending that he quit the game but then he plays on his other account which is named "elec" (he is also Perfecto) and also he begs to Demacron to share his account to him so that he can play. and Hysteria made alts, one of them was named "m0nesy" and then he told to me while i was playing "just admit ur garbage and retire this game inetrzh". or should i say "m0nk3y"? he can not be calling me a trzh while he literally had a fight talking about skills with a botfarmer (letsplay). that colombian mf also has another account named "Sownjuu" where he uses lagswitch? then why dont you complain about him using cheats? every turkish people in this world such as SwagTwiq, You and other turkish players in Warmerise should just suçḱ that gigantic dic of Roberto Esquivel Cabrera and choke to the death while doing it or else the world will be downhill, cheers buddy lmao.
    and don t reply here because i gave you all the words i had against you and the whole KAA clan. i would not talk here anymore because of how hard i just sht on you. so if you have more bullsht to say, you have my permission, you can bark here all you want, but i told you, i ll not reply here. thanks for the fun.

    Every time I enter game an unregistered player shows up claims to be a kaa-40 member and suddenly activates cheats only a cowardly cheater kid just like you would do something like that. You're nothing but a disgusting liar who does not speak logicially and spreads slander. You say you don't care about kaa members but you spy on them how funny. 

    Instead of playing this game every day and harassing others from different accounts, learn to be a man and face them like a real man. Additionally find a life outside of Warmerise try touching some grass or something. Forcing people into duels every day by using cheats in this game just proves how low your IQ level is. 

    Inesop uses cheats in game and later plays the innocent role. As i said stop spying on people and spreading slander. Apologize to the community for using cheats then do something nice for your family to make them proud. Don't make a fool of yourself here my friend. 


    i said i won t reply here but you got me started again. dude you re the real liar here. i literally swear on my life that i never pretended to be a KaA mEmBeR as an unregistered account. you are just literally here blaming me for the things that i didnt even do, maybe you mistake me into someone. you go ahead and join every server in the game that is available right now, even if it not now, you ll see 40% of the playerbase is using cheats. if a random players kills someone by a headshot by accident it means they are me? like not everyone who makes a single headshot is me. if i play, my ping mostly in Europe East should be 80-100. just Europe 50-80, USA East 170+ USA WEST 220-250. if there is someone using cheats with the same ping as me, then its Miger
    and no i am not Miger, i have seen him play many times using Infinite HP and fly and stuff like that.

    if you really think i play as unreg then provide some proof that its me. talking about "spying" people, when i joined ModernCity in 2023 during the time when Max re-capped the fps to 240, someone told me "i think barbsie was looking for you". after that i found you in secretlab and you told me some stuff about that disable fps limit, and i am actually a sniper/plasma player and as you stated that thing works with only automatics. (i am gonna explain that later). if you are accussing me of apparently spying on kaa members then why were you spying on me that day for no reason? i never play as an unreg unless if i have to, if i go unreg, i just go to see whats happening in the game.

    i said "dude you re the real liar here" but that does not mean that i am actually saying you lied, it could be a misunderstanding where you thought someone was else me. none in this game has any sort of auto aim or anything, except for Erwiflow. that could also be him. his ping in usa east is 100-120 and im not from USA, and that also proves that the guy in the video (Erwiflooooooow) is not me and its not me cheating there. just check the ping of the player each time you meet someone that is pretending to be a KAA member. and if anyone uses cheats as an unregistered, then its just probably lagswitch, and that is DEFINITELY not me. funny how many people while im playing say lagswitch just because that my PC is bad and when my fps gets low my ping increases too but it doesnt do anything to my pov, none freezes. and yet they say lagswitch but the bluds are such of morons that they cant see that i am actually tracking them, i am not shooting to any sort of frozen position. so @xPsycho i suggest you not to say anything unless you ve got some real proof that i am Erwiflow. and to you barb, i say it once again, i swear i never pretended to be you or a KAA member as an unregistered account. i am talking to you in my nice way and kind words to let you know that i am not the player you think. there are literally too many people using cheats in this game, there are like only 40 people online average a day in this game and 10 of them use lagswitch, and i am not any of them. you can just see people like: Axiira, LOL2020, xSyna, Voldemort (xJinn), JuiceWrld, Necromancer (trenbolone) and many more. and here is the proof of them cheating.
    and you can see how this random kid is begging to people for hacks, a hacker who got into his account leaked the messages:

    so why dont you just take your time to do some investigating instead of blaming me the everything others do with their cheats?

    and i am sure that you can just spot LOL2020 using lag switch everytime he plays. and if anyone cheats as an unreg pretending to be someone else, its one of these people i listed here. i say it once again, i never pretended to be any of the KAA member, and i swear. in fact i dont even care about this game, i just only play for fun and pretending to be someone else or a member of a popular clan is not a part of my leisure time.

    if you think someone cheats and you think its me, since many people think i use aimbot, just take a look at the gameplay carefully and make sure to know if its a lagswitch or aimbot.

    and i repeat it once again: "i swear on my life i never played as an unreg and i never pretended to be a KAA member or you"

    and i can literally write this 100 times if you want.

    just do some investigating and just make it clear and understand if its me or someone else. like, checking the ping of players like minimum, you have heard about Pressing TAB and looking at the ping to figure out who it is? 

    so what else do you want me to do? you want to frame me the things that i did not even do and you want to make me do it? and everytime we should watch your words about you announcing in the forums like a reportage in the news TV channel "inesop did this, inesop did that". like what? i literally never played as an unreg pretending to be someone else and i ll just be upfront and tell you, the idea of me playing as a guest and pretending to be someone else, is literally removed from my brain. if i really wanted to impersonate you, you and me have the same ping so i could just easily go unregistered and headshot everyone, pretend to be you. its that easy but i dont do it. and you see i am a good person and i dont ever try to steal anyone s identity. if you dont believe me thats fine, everyone has their own opinions, but i know myself that i am right.

    and by the way to everyone, many people say that i ruin sky just by playing there. if you really think that i am a cheater, you really want me to believe that you are so backward that you don t know that you can kick me out of the server with one click? just start a vote kick and literally we know that everyone hates me, everyone would vote yes against me.

    if you played one match with me and you didnt like it, then why didnt you just leave me alone and say like "i dont wanna play with this guy anymore" and why dont you just say "nevermind" and hang me on your dic like nothing (just ignore me)?

    "i play with inesop and i don t like him because he headshots me too much" bro, you dont draw that conclusion based on only one game with me right? but its enough that you play only one match with me, create an imagination about me and then leave me alone?

    and to @Barbsie to what you re just looking at right now (someone is cheating and pretending to be me) that is not me and there are literally 854954455456 people using cheats right now in this game, and i will say it, what you are just seeing right now, the playing as unregistered, using cheats and pretending to be someone is done more than a million times by a lot of other players. and i am not one of them. believe what you want, i know that i am right, honest and true, and i already swore on my life.

    watafak is this cope negga lmfao aint nobody reading this 

    who tf talks to you? you re literally an alt account of someone, thinking you re capable of something hiding your identity with 700 active alts XD. i heard you said about me and walidou "big balls moment". if you wanna talk about having balls, atleast big or small, come with your main acc or just reveal your identity if you really think you re that brave. of course you dont read it because of the spicy truth there is involved in it. also never forget you literally took an irl photo of yourself in front of your monitor playing warmerise and you said it was wali XD. a guy who literally made a discord alt to talk sht about us, thinks he is smarter than all of us and thinks he achieves anything by "roasting" us on the "mysterious" account. your iq is literally less than ice temperature, and to be honest, you seem really uneducated, instead of rotting in front of your PC, go get a job. If you dont get up, come with the main acc if you wanna talk seriously. thanks.

    Bro are you really rtarded or are you truly this manner? I liked the "alt accounts part" because its so ironic XD. Watafak you have big balls but always run away -.- I am obliged to inform you that the person was not me but your bf, I thought you would know how he looks like. Dont even bring the "iq" into conversation because you just embarrass yourself even more with the cope and delusion you do and have not to mention your "roasts" in dc server XD. Atp even 14 year olds now make fun of you lmfao, what a clown.

    In conclusion inesoap never learns he just starts to cope and yap over and over again 

    • 252 posts
    May 27, 2024 11:20 AM PDT

    Faerie OnlyFans leaked

    • 252 posts
    May 27, 2024 11:23 AM PDT

    wtf this isnt google 

  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    May 27, 2024 11:59 AM PDT

    Kayamii said:

    Eve said:

    Kayamii said:

    Eve said:

    Barbsie said:

    Eve said:

    Barbsie said:

    A kid named Inesop whom i don't know is trying to impersonate me. Apparently he plays with an unregistered account introduces himself as me or kaa member and uses cheats. 

    Let's ignore unregistered accounts that behave like this friends. 

    Additionally i don't play on unregistered accounts. You can find me playing on either this account or my alt futuristic

    since when did i try to impersonate you or any of the kaa members? do you really think i care about this dead clan which is not even competent in anything? no wonder you are from turkey, i am not surprised that you wrote this no sense as i ve heard that the 85% of the turkish people did not even get a ninth grade certificate. you can say that i play as an unregistered account once your friends from KAA clan stop making alts and then being toxic to me on these "mysterious" accounts that even a kindergarten kid can guess that its them? but nah, you ve nothing else to say here except that i apparently "introduce myself as you or kaa member" as an unregistered account while i don t even care about the existence of all kaa members? funny how you re just making a forum topic about me saying i play on unregistered accounts while your friend Kazuya does not play on his main account pretending that he quit the game but then he plays on his other account which is named "elec" (he is also Perfecto) and also he begs to Demacron to share his account to him so that he can play. and Hysteria made alts, one of them was named "m0nesy" and then he told to me while i was playing "just admit ur garbage and retire this game inetrzh". or should i say "m0nk3y"? he can not be calling me a trzh while he literally had a fight talking about skills with a botfarmer (letsplay). that colombian mf also has another account named "Sownjuu" where he uses lagswitch? then why dont you complain about him using cheats? every turkish people in this world such as SwagTwiq, You and other turkish players in Warmerise should just suçḱ that gigantic dic of Roberto Esquivel Cabrera and choke to the death while doing it or else the world will be downhill, cheers buddy lmao.
    and don t reply here because i gave you all the words i had against you and the whole KAA clan. i would not talk here anymore because of how hard i just sht on you. so if you have more bullsht to say, you have my permission, you can bark here all you want, but i told you, i ll not reply here. thanks for the fun.

    Every time I enter game an unregistered player shows up claims to be a kaa-40 member and suddenly activates cheats only a cowardly cheater kid just like you would do something like that. You're nothing but a disgusting liar who does not speak logicially and spreads slander. You say you don't care about kaa members but you spy on them how funny. 

    Instead of playing this game every day and harassing others from different accounts, learn to be a man and face them like a real man. Additionally find a life outside of Warmerise try touching some grass or something. Forcing people into duels every day by using cheats in this game just proves how low your IQ level is. 

    Inesop uses cheats in game and later plays the innocent role. As i said stop spying on people and spreading slander. Apologize to the community for using cheats then do something nice for your family to make them proud. Don't make a fool of yourself here my friend. 


    i said i won t reply here but you got me started again. dude you re the real liar here. i literally swear on my life that i never pretended to be a KaA mEmBeR as an unregistered account. you are just literally here blaming me for the things that i didnt even do, maybe you mistake me into someone. you go ahead and join every server in the game that is available right now, even if it not now, you ll see 40% of the playerbase is using cheats. if a random players kills someone by a headshot by accident it means they are me? like not everyone who makes a single headshot is me. if i play, my ping mostly in Europe East should be 80-100. just Europe 50-80, USA East 170+ USA WEST 220-250. if there is someone using cheats with the same ping as me, then its Miger
    and no i am not Miger, i have seen him play many times using Infinite HP and fly and stuff like that.

    if you really think i play as unreg then provide some proof that its me. talking about "spying" people, when i joined ModernCity in 2023 during the time when Max re-capped the fps to 240, someone told me "i think barbsie was looking for you". after that i found you in secretlab and you told me some stuff about that disable fps limit, and i am actually a sniper/plasma player and as you stated that thing works with only automatics. (i am gonna explain that later). if you are accussing me of apparently spying on kaa members then why were you spying on me that day for no reason? i never play as an unreg unless if i have to, if i go unreg, i just go to see whats happening in the game.

    i said "dude you re the real liar here" but that does not mean that i am actually saying you lied, it could be a misunderstanding where you thought someone was else me. none in this game has any sort of auto aim or anything, except for Erwiflow. that could also be him. his ping in usa east is 100-120 and im not from USA, and that also proves that the guy in the video (Erwiflooooooow) is not me and its not me cheating there. just check the ping of the player each time you meet someone that is pretending to be a KAA member. and if anyone uses cheats as an unregistered, then its just probably lagswitch, and that is DEFINITELY not me. funny how many people while im playing say lagswitch just because that my PC is bad and when my fps gets low my ping increases too but it doesnt do anything to my pov, none freezes. and yet they say lagswitch but the bluds are such of morons that they cant see that i am actually tracking them, i am not shooting to any sort of frozen position. so @xPsycho i suggest you not to say anything unless you ve got some real proof that i am Erwiflow. and to you barb, i say it once again, i swear i never pretended to be you or a KAA member as an unregistered account. i am talking to you in my nice way and kind words to let you know that i am not the player you think. there are literally too many people using cheats in this game, there are like only 40 people online average a day in this game and 10 of them use lagswitch, and i am not any of them. you can just see people like: Axiira, LOL2020, xSyna, Voldemort (xJinn), JuiceWrld, Necromancer (trenbolone) and many more. and here is the proof of them cheating.
    and you can see how this random kid is begging to people for hacks, a hacker who got into his account leaked the messages:

    so why dont you just take your time to do some investigating instead of blaming me the everything others do with their cheats?

    and i am sure that you can just spot LOL2020 using lag switch everytime he plays. and if anyone cheats as an unreg pretending to be someone else, its one of these people i listed here. i say it once again, i never pretended to be any of the KAA member, and i swear. in fact i dont even care about this game, i just only play for fun and pretending to be someone else or a member of a popular clan is not a part of my leisure time.

    if you think someone cheats and you think its me, since many people think i use aimbot, just take a look at the gameplay carefully and make sure to know if its a lagswitch or aimbot.

    and i repeat it once again: "i swear on my life i never played as an unreg and i never pretended to be a KAA member or you"

    and i can literally write this 100 times if you want.

    just do some investigating and just make it clear and understand if its me or someone else. like, checking the ping of players like minimum, you have heard about Pressing TAB and looking at the ping to figure out who it is? 

    so what else do you want me to do? you want to frame me the things that i did not even do and you want to make me do it? and everytime we should watch your words about you announcing in the forums like a reportage in the news TV channel "inesop did this, inesop did that". like what? i literally never played as an unreg pretending to be someone else and i ll just be upfront and tell you, the idea of me playing as a guest and pretending to be someone else, is literally removed from my brain. if i really wanted to impersonate you, you and me have the same ping so i could just easily go unregistered and headshot everyone, pretend to be you. its that easy but i dont do it. and you see i am a good person and i dont ever try to steal anyone s identity. if you dont believe me thats fine, everyone has their own opinions, but i know myself that i am right.

    and by the way to everyone, many people say that i ruin sky just by playing there. if you really think that i am a cheater, you really want me to believe that you are so backward that you don t know that you can kick me out of the server with one click? just start a vote kick and literally we know that everyone hates me, everyone would vote yes against me.

    if you played one match with me and you didnt like it, then why didnt you just leave me alone and say like "i dont wanna play with this guy anymore" and why dont you just say "nevermind" and hang me on your dic like nothing (just ignore me)?

    "i play with inesop and i don t like him because he headshots me too much" bro, you dont draw that conclusion based on only one game with me right? but its enough that you play only one match with me, create an imagination about me and then leave me alone?

    and to @Barbsie to what you re just looking at right now (someone is cheating and pretending to be me) that is not me and there are literally 854954455456 people using cheats right now in this game, and i will say it, what you are just seeing right now, the playing as unregistered, using cheats and pretending to be someone is done more than a million times by a lot of other players. and i am not one of them. believe what you want, i know that i am right, honest and true, and i already swore on my life.

    watafak is this cope negga lmfao aint nobody reading this 

    who tf talks to you? you re literally an alt account of someone, thinking you re capable of something hiding your identity with 700 active alts XD. i heard you said about me and walidou "big balls moment". if you wanna talk about having balls, atleast big or small, come with your main acc or just reveal your identity if you really think you re that brave. of course you dont read it because of the spicy truth there is involved in it. also never forget you literally took an irl photo of yourself in front of your monitor playing warmerise and you said it was wali XD. a guy who literally made a discord alt to talk sht about us, thinks he is smarter than all of us and thinks he achieves anything by "roasting" us on the "mysterious" account. your iq is literally less than ice temperature, and to be honest, you seem really uneducated, instead of rotting in front of your PC, go get a job. If you dont get up, come with the main acc if you wanna talk seriously. thanks.

    Bro are you really rtarded or are you truly this manner? I liked the "alt accounts part" because its so ironic XD. Watafak you have big balls but always run away -.- I am obliged to inform you that the person was not me but your bf, I thought you would know how he looks like. Dont even bring the "iq" into conversation because you just embarrass yourself even more with the cope and delusion you do and have not to mention your "roasts" in dc server XD. Atp even 14 year olds now make fun of you lmfao, what a clown.

    In conclusion inesoap never learns he just starts to cope and yap over and over again 

    "i liked the "alt accounts part" because its so ironic XD". ??? XDD atleast every alt account i have used in the game, i always revealed that it is me. but what abt you? you dont reveal your identity, why would your "friends" even be interested in having a friendship with you at all if you haven t opened your main account in front of them yet? its just like you being 166cm and you re hiding behind the 167cm EpicTroll so that i dont spot you and beat you up. Come with real acc brother, still schared? once i find you, do you really think that you will escape me and reach to hungary running away from me so that you can hide behind EpicTroll? i will catch you and beat you up so hard and then i will bring your dead body to EpicTroll house and ring the bell so that he can see his "friend" dead XD

  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    May 27, 2024 12:01 PM PDT

    @Kayami also that s strange and funny at the same time how you talk about running away but Everytime we join the discord server to talk to you, before we join you are talking but you go offline as we join, and then we leave and you come online again? very big coincidence right? it repeated 10 times in a row.