SeppderDepp said:one of the greatest haccer here is AfrikaiGyilkos, T-Mann and me testet this, he should banned like other Pro. A few Pro here are Pro because of hacc. Warmerise died because of this this farts
TMann said:Yes. I agree with SeppderDepp, AfrikaiGyilkos, is using some sort of aimbot. I think it would do the game community a favor if his account got banned. Thanks!
AfrikaiGyilkos is prolly the best player still on this dying(almost dead) game. I highly doubt that heshcking. If you really "tested" that hes a hcker, then post ur evidence, plz.
pokemonster said:SeppderDepp said:one of the greatest haccer here is AfrikaiGyilkos, T-Mann and me testet this, he should banned like other Pro. A few Pro here are Pro because of hacc. Warmerise died because of this this farts
TMann said:Yes. I agree with SeppderDepp, AfrikaiGyilkos, is using some sort of aimbot. I think it would do the game community a favor if his account got banned. Thanks!
AfrikaiGyilkos is prolly the best player still on this dying(almost dead) game. I highly doubt that heshcking. If you really "tested" that hes a hcker, then post ur evidence, plz.
he is izi
agurauth said:agurauth, glad to see you again, especially on the forums this time. this is not to offend you but i just want to spread the words. any player who would return after 2 years and they see the game like this, of course we would be disappointed. i dont know who you are, but the length of how long i have not played the game does not change my thought, your account is exactly 1 month old, and i dont think it would be your main based on your game sense and the way you know the community. Now, i should get to the main subject. You listed 5 players who visually use cheats. gardener, hypnez, iceshadow, they dont have any kind of a cheat. for ksud, he is not a cheater, its just a kid trying to run a tournament but he just uses alts to play with, i will give you that but that does not really count in cheating, he should still be banned for scamming though. and the player "off" is actually cheating. out of these 4 people, you only guessed 1 player that was truly cheating, it was blatant, but you are just bad for the other rest players, so you have to make up stuff about them. you called me a cheater too, and your score was double better than mine, while i missed 4 out of 6 shots, and you were just one by one hitting most of your shots against me. and then i tried to flick and you said "toxic cheater" but i never said or done anything.gardener
hacks: anti recoilhypnez
hacks: same as gardenersiceshadow
hacks: possibly either aimbot or trigger bot could even be lag switch but I don't think it is personally
reason I think he hacks is how he suddenly rapidly improved out of nowhere from 1kdr skill level to 2+kdr skill level in a matter of daysoff
hacks: lag switch
he used to hack on unreg account now doing it on his mainksud
active scammer uses tournaments as a way to scam people out of mon3 and other means from what I've heardno videos currently as I'm reallly lazy and even if I did they are hard to see on video as these hacks are subtle and take watching someone for a while or going against them yourself to know somethin is up
aimbot is the easiest to tell the aim is super smooth usually and tracks you in an inhuman way like beyond the abilities of human reactivity
walls would be the second easiest you can usually tell because it's usually hard to act like you can't see someone threw walls when you can y know what i mean if youve gone against someone with them in other games it's super rare for someone to actually be good at hiding it
if lag switchers are set to a low enough time like 50-100ms it can look on the boarder of normal and not and you can also spoof your ping which makes it even harder to tell something is up as their ping won't fluctuate like lag switchers will normally cause
anti recoil in this game it's a bit harder to tell you either have to wait until they spray up against a wall by accident or from killing someone near it and even then it's a like 20% chance it will be enough to know it's anti recoil or not just barely unless it's one spot they sprayed
recoil control can be confused as anti recoil depending on the distance of the aim further and if there's no recoil and it's a g36 and really long distance it's probably anti recoil if it really close aim and there's no recoil it's probably recoil control distance matters when determining this
trigger bot is even harder to tell as for some it can be chalked up to either high vs low ping or really high fps depending on the scenario from how the games works it can also be confused for other hacks sometimes like any of the main ones
btw this is probably going to be brought up after posting this here yes I'm toxic to these players a lot because of this and also other players who are toxic in one way or another I'm toxic back bad habit but I can't just let that stuff slide y know?
You said my aim was so smooth, but thats not the truth, the game is delayed for everyone, each screen. if you move in a game, for another player or another device, it takes some time to register the action from the first device to another one, the same thing happens with the mouse sensitivity, thats why everytime your aim looks very smooth and slow even if u flick or u move ur mouse too fast, due to the delay of the game system.
You even told me to hang myself..
+Kalamar i think i can give u a suggestion, a very good one by the way.
If someone false reports a player, let the reporter be punished, temporary ban in my opinion, this should prevent players from thinking anyone is cheating, unless they have a REAL proof.
to anyone playing the game, let the delusionists say whatever they want, because they dont have an evidence of an ACTUAL cheat, they cant do anything against you, except post about you, but these accusations will be considered by the Admin whether if its true or not.
Admin is someone who is ACTUALLY smart, and knows how to moderate and look after the game.
Toreno said:do u have a proof that i "cheat" ?agurauth said:agurauth, glad to see you again, especially on the forums this time. this is not to offend you but i just want to spread the words. any player who would return after 2 years and they see the game like this, of course we would be disappointed. i dont know who you are, but the length of how long i have not played the game does not change my thought, your account is exactly 1 month old, and i dont think it would be your main based on your game sense and the way you know the community. Now, i should get to the main subject. You listed 5 players who visually use cheats. gardener, hypnez, iceshadow, they dont have any kind of a cheat. for ksud, he is not a cheater, its just a kid trying to run a tournament but he just uses alts to play with, i will give you that but that does not really count in cheating, he should still be banned for scamming though. and the player "off" is actually cheating. out of these 4 people, you only guessed 1 player that was truly cheating, it was blatant, but you are just bad for the other rest players, so you have to make up stuff about them. you called me a cheater too, and your score was double better than mine, while i missed 4 out of 6 shots, and you were just one by one hitting most of your shots against me. and then i tried to flick and you said "toxic cheater" but i never said or done anything.gardener
hacks: anti recoilhypnez
hacks: same as gardenersiceshadow
hacks: possibly either aimbot or trigger bot could even be lag switch but I don't think it is personally
reason I think he hacks is how he suddenly rapidly improved out of nowhere from 1kdr skill level to 2+kdr skill level in a matter of daysoff
hacks: lag switch
he used to hack on unreg account now doing it on his mainksud
active scammer uses tournaments as a way to scam people out of mon3 and other means from what I've heardno videos currently as I'm reallly lazy and even if I did they are hard to see on video as these hacks are subtle and take watching someone for a while or going against them yourself to know somethin is up
aimbot is the easiest to tell the aim is super smooth usually and tracks you in an inhuman way like beyond the abilities of human reactivity
walls would be the second easiest you can usually tell because it's usually hard to act like you can't see someone threw walls when you can y know what i mean if youve gone against someone with them in other games it's super rare for someone to actually be good at hiding it
if lag switchers are set to a low enough time like 50-100ms it can look on the boarder of normal and not and you can also spoof your ping which makes it even harder to tell something is up as their ping won't fluctuate like lag switchers will normally cause
anti recoil in this game it's a bit harder to tell you either have to wait until they spray up against a wall by accident or from killing someone near it and even then it's a like 20% chance it will be enough to know it's anti recoil or not just barely unless it's one spot they sprayed
recoil control can be confused as anti recoil depending on the distance of the aim further and if there's no recoil and it's a g36 and really long distance it's probably anti recoil if it really close aim and there's no recoil it's probably recoil control distance matters when determining this
trigger bot is even harder to tell as for some it can be chalked up to either high vs low ping or really high fps depending on the scenario from how the games works it can also be confused for other hacks sometimes like any of the main ones
btw this is probably going to be brought up after posting this here yes I'm toxic to these players a lot because of this and also other players who are toxic in one way or another I'm toxic back bad habit but I can't just let that stuff slide y know?You said my aim was so smooth, but thats not the truth, the game is delayed for everyone, each screen. if you move in a game, for another player or another device, it takes some time to register the action from the first device to another one, the same thing happens with the mouse sensitivity, thats why everytime your aim looks very smooth and slow even if u flick or u move ur mouse too fast, due to the delay of the game system.
You even told me to hang myself..
ive been playing the game for the past half year or a bit more
before that i played for another year a few years back
been dealing with the bs this game has for quite awhile
i dont care about your opinion of me
im just tired
ive been playing the game for the past half year or a bit more
before that i played for another year a few years back
been dealing with the bs this game has for quite awhile
i dont care about your opinion of me
im just tired
i honestly wouldent care if i was banned myself
this game has gone to shi and kalamer is barely doing anything
he got staff then was active for a little while banned a few players then called it good
hes only banned like 4 players
legion was one axiira was one mrx is one and many more who still have their accounts
TMann said:a lot of people make this argument but I want to clarify that JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE MISSES SOME SHOTS doesn't mean no cheitsAfter playing with AfrikaiGyilkos, I could see he was just really good. Not hacking because he did miss some shots. It initially felt like he was using software but playing with him longer, I could tell he wasn't. Sorry to misinform!
agurauth said:hypnez we arnt dmb
we know that u just turned them off for those videos cuz your aim is suddenly shid in them
also just wanna put this out there cuz epictroll has started stalking me just to be toxic to me
he owned a clan called K!ll ALL N!GGERS or somethin like that
i dont know why u have a beef with off and cyanex ur autism would be a perfect addition to their gang ppl being toxic on the game then trying to be the victim becoming a pattern here, are you alt of the same person?
you literally were calling us toxic njggers for "camping", literally NOBODY ELSE was even talking on the server and now u r acting like u were not the toxic one XD telling average 3 player/match that they r njggers and to hang themself uff
u join another server AFTER me and then u start yapping about im stalking?XD what kind of mental illness do u have r u ok?
the clan part is completely false and i dont see how it is even connected to the rest of the post?