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My Plans About Game

    • 119 posts
    June 17, 2024 3:18 PM PDT

    Here my plans about game and its balancing.

    1. I might remove unregistered player feature or make it session based which means unregistered player will be able to play for a maximum of half an hour after that when their session expires they will be directed to the register page section but i'm not sure about that yet beacuse i have some other plans as well.

    2. The custom map feature will be removed and only skilled individuals will be able to create official maps and they will have special role in forums as well. 

    3. I will assing active forum moderators who will also have the authority to ban users. Their responsibility will be  manage forums and ban cheaters / toxic people

    4. Official servers will be created for each map with a minimum of two servers per map and these servers will remain active 24/7. Only registered users (can be disccussed) will have access to these servers.  These servers will be managed by clans, meaning for a clan to take control of a server, Clan X must achieve 1000 kills. If successful, the server will then belong to Clan X. To win the server, another clan must surpass the total kills of the leading clan in that server. 

    The server will be shown in room list in this format:  Clan Name - Map Name for instance  KAA~40*| - SecretLab


    The clan that wins the server will have the ability to kick other members out of the server and can determine which weapons can or cannot be used.

    5. The spinwheel & quick play features will be removed.


    Gameplay Balance
    1. The additional items will be reduced to two.
    2. Automatic weapons will inflict significantly higher damage.
    3. Knives will no longer instantly kill.
    4. The RPG will be limited to a single rocket. If it hits the target then it will instantly kill / destroy vehicles. 
    5. The feature that displays damage information when shooting at someone or an item in game will be removed.
    6. Upgrades: Upon purchase, you will receive a special sword (something like lightsaber) along with a shield. The shield will have an active duration and a health pool. Once the active duration expires, you cannot use the shield temporarily and if the shield's health is depleted you cannot use it for the rest of the round.
    7. Instant health regeneration will no longer occur. Instead you will need to acquire a bag from the armory spot with same price and use it for healing. This process will take approximately 5 seconds.

    This post was edited by Kalamar at June 17, 2024 3:23 PM PDT
    • 480 posts
    June 17, 2024 4:47 PM PDT

    Really looking forward to this, good luck and I hope everything works out!

    • 436 posts
    June 17, 2024 7:20 PM PDT

    RPG and katana nerf uff 90% of Friends members leaving rn

    • 126 posts
    June 18, 2024 7:25 AM PDT

    if ur not interested in feedback u dont have to read this but i just thought id put my two bits down


    Sounds spectacular, MOSTLY. New unreg rules sound great, same with the clan maps, quickplay removed sounds good, maybe spinwheel incorporated some other way? Maybe thats just me. Forum mods would be cool but reading these guys yappin at each other is fun too. Does auto need more damage? Those who use auto well can do pretty well with the damage it has rn, if it did get buff spammer nabs would be unbearable. Personally, i like knife damage where it is and i think melee wouldnt be as fun if u nerfed knife. I like the damage feed, mostly because it tells me when someone walks into a mine, which is especially useful for me since i play without sound, but if it just told u if ur mine was activated and not the damage. RPG only having 1 shot sounds amazing

    Altogether it sounds good. Hope the update comes soon and good luck :)

    • 436 posts
    June 18, 2024 8:18 AM PDT
    pokemonster said:

    if ur not interested in feedback u dont have to read this but i just thought id put my two bits down


    Sounds spectacular, MOSTLY. New unreg rules sound great, same with the clan maps, quickplay removed sounds good, maybe spinwheel incorporated some other way? Maybe thats just me. Forum mods would be cool but reading these guys yappin at each other is fun too. Does auto need more damage? Those who use auto well can do pretty well with the damage it has rn, if it did get buff spammer nabs would be unbearable. Personally, i like knife damage where it is and i think melee wouldnt be as fun if u nerfed knife. I like the damage feed, mostly because it tells me when someone walks into a mine, which is especially useful for me since i play without sound, but if it just told u if ur mine was activated and not the damage. RPG only having 1 shot sounds amazing

    Altogether it sounds good. Hope the update comes soon and good luck :)

    knife is op
    • 436 posts
    June 18, 2024 8:20 AM PDT
    get ready for auto meta uff
    • 1194 posts
    June 18, 2024 11:05 AM PDT

    Kalamar said:

    Here my plans about game and its balancing.

    1. I might remove unregistered player feature or make it session based which means unregistered player will be able to play for a maximum of half an hour after that when their session expires they will be directed to the register page section but i'm not sure about that yet beacuse i have some other plans as well.

    2. The custom map feature will be removed and only skilled individuals will be able to create official maps and they will have special role in forums as well. 

    3. I will assing active forum moderators who will also have the authority to ban users. Their responsibility will be  manage forums and ban cheaters / toxic people

    4. Official servers will be created for each map with a minimum of two servers per map and these servers will remain active 24/7. Only registered users (can be disccussed) will have access to these servers.  These servers will be managed by clans, meaning for a clan to take control of a server, Clan X must achieve 1000 kills. If successful, the server will then belong to Clan X. To win the server, another clan must surpass the total kills of the leading clan in that server. 

    The server will be shown in room list in this format:  Clan Name - Map Name for instance  KAA~40*| - SecretLab


    The clan that wins the server will have the ability to kick other members out of the server and can determine which weapons can or cannot be used.

    5. The spinwheel & quick play features will be removed.


    Gameplay Balance
    1. The additional items will be reduced to two.
    2. Automatic weapons will inflict significantly higher damage.
    3. Knives will no longer instantly kill.
    4. The RPG will be limited to a single rocket. If it hits the target then it will instantly kill / destroy vehicles. 
    5. The feature that displays damage information when shooting at someone or an item in game will be removed.
    6. Upgrades: Upon purchase, you will receive a special sword (something like lightsaber) along with a shield. The shield will have an active duration and a health pool. Once the active duration expires, you cannot use the shield temporarily and if the shield's health is depleted you cannot use it for the rest of the round.
    7. Instant health regeneration will no longer occur. Instead you will need to acquire a bag from the armory spot with same price and use it for healing. This process will take approximately 5 seconds

    instead of reducing additional items to 2, add a cooldown of like 5 seconds, dont buff g36 its already too op, buff brassknuckles back to 51 51 101. Make RPG 2 shots but each do instant kill but reduce radius for balance,  about the 5th just remove dmg to objects + vehicles but not players, 6th yeah shield should be 500/600 hp, also add more melees like claws or scythe. 7th: good idea.

      more ideas: 

    cape perks. example: fire cape increases damage of explosive weapons by a % (like RPG, plasmanade, mines, M67 but not blastgrenades)

    Buff plasmagrenade by making the enemies who got hit by it moving slightly slower (like when u hold minig) so in that way more people would use it. 

    Add ammo to the car turret: (175 bullets each car) until the car explodes. (since each bullet has high damage anyways).

    Remove ball mode.

    also pls buff flamethrower. both dmg and fire rate.  cuz its useless ****.

    Fix spawn shield and reduce the timing (people do abuse it by not shooting but they aim and kill).

    and when you go to armory, after you tp it re-equips your weapon (to add delay for insta kills).

     EDIT: Change warmerise theme and menu

    just got bored and typed those issiqdqsàidà

    This post was edited by Akarius at June 18, 2024 11:08 AM PDT
    • 126 posts
    June 18, 2024 4:04 PM PDT

    Cyanex said:

    Kalamar said:

    Here my plans about game and its balancing.

    1. I might remove unregistered player feature or make it session based which means unregistered player will be able to play for a maximum of half an hour after that when their session expires they will be directed to the register page section but i'm not sure about that yet beacuse i have some other plans as well.

    2. The custom map feature will be removed and only skilled individuals will be able to create official maps and they will have special role in forums as well. 

    3. I will assing active forum moderators who will also have the authority to ban users. Their responsibility will be  manage forums and ban cheaters / toxic people

    4. Official servers will be created for each map with a minimum of two servers per map and these servers will remain active 24/7. Only registered users (can be disccussed) will have access to these servers.  These servers will be managed by clans, meaning for a clan to take control of a server, Clan X must achieve 1000 kills. If successful, the server will then belong to Clan X. To win the server, another clan must surpass the total kills of the leading clan in that server. 

    The server will be shown in room list in this format:  Clan Name - Map Name for instance  KAA~40*| - SecretLab


    The clan that wins the server will have the ability to kick other members out of the server and can determine which weapons can or cannot be used.

    5. The spinwheel & quick play features will be removed.


    Gameplay Balance
    1. The additional items will be reduced to two.
    2. Automatic weapons will inflict significantly higher damage.
    3. Knives will no longer instantly kill.
    4. The RPG will be limited to a single rocket. If it hits the target then it will instantly kill / destroy vehicles. 
    5. The feature that displays damage information when shooting at someone or an item in game will be removed.
    6. Upgrades: Upon purchase, you will receive a special sword (something like lightsaber) along with a shield. The shield will have an active duration and a health pool. Once the active duration expires, you cannot use the shield temporarily and if the shield's health is depleted you cannot use it for the rest of the round.
    7. Instant health regeneration will no longer occur. Instead you will need to acquire a bag from the armory spot with same price and use it for healing. This process will take approximately 5 seconds

    instead of reducing additional items to 2, add a cooldown of like 5 seconds, dont buff g36 its already too op, buff brassknuckles back to 51 51 101. Make RPG 2 shots but each do instant kill but reduce radius for balance,  about the 5th just remove dmg to objects + vehicles but not players, 6th yeah shield should be 500/600 hp, also add more melees like claws or scythe. 7th: good idea.

      more ideas: 

    cape perks. example: fire cape increases damage of explosive weapons by a % (like RPG, plasmanade, mines, M67 but not blastgrenades)

    Buff plasmagrenade by making the enemies who got hit by it moving slightly slower (like when u hold minig) so in that way more people would use it. 

    Add ammo to the car turret: (175 bullets each car) until the car explodes. (since each bullet has high damage anyways).

    Remove ball mode.

    also pls buff flamethrower. both dmg and fire rate.  cuz its useless ****.

    Fix spawn shield and reduce the timing (people do abuse it by not shooting but they aim and kill).

    and when you go to armory, after you tp it re-equips your weapon (to add delay for insta kills).

     EDIT: Change warmerise theme and menu

    just got bored and typed those issiqdqsàidà

    Good thoughts but having shield have that much health would make it just as good at blocking. a full UMP mag would only do 450 damage so it wouldnt get thru shield

    • 39 posts
    June 19, 2024 5:08 AM PDT
    If you ask me, instead of changing the balance in the game, you should focus on performance, lag and cheating problems. If the current state of the game continues, i dont think any changes will bring the game back to life. Other than the automatic weapons and knife changes, the other changes look fine imo. I know it is much harder to fix the lag and performance issues, but like i said, the main reason everyone wants the old game back is because the old game felt much smoother and better. You were there too, therefore you know what im talking about and it relaxes me that someone that knows how to play the game will be in charge this time tbh. I trust you my old friend, if there is anyone who can do it, its you.
    • 249 posts
    June 19, 2024 8:46 AM PDT

    xPsycho said:

    If you ask me, instead of changing the balance in the game, you should focus on performance, lag and cheating problems.If the current state of the game continues, i dont think any changes will bring the game back to life.Other than the automatic weapons and knife changes, the other changes look fine imo. I know it is much harder to fix the lag and performance issues, but like i said, the main reason everyone wants the old game back is because the old game felt much smoother and better. You were there too, therefore you know what im talking about and it relaxes me that someone that knows how to play the game will be in charge this time tbh. I trust you my old friend, if there is anyone who can do it, its you.

    I think the biggest issues with the game currently are the ones you mentioned.

    The focus should be on performance, lag, cheaters, and, most importantly, marketing.

    I think the idea of removing guest players entirely is a big risk, but it can be very beneficial since you can then track the actual player base and limit trolling and cheating.

    Performance and lag can be tougher areas to improve, but I am sure a lot can be done since the game has not been properly maintained for at least two years. Many new patches for Unity WebGL must have come out.

    However, the number one priority should be marketing. Once the product is in a more presentable state (cheaters are mostly gone, and the game has been refurbished), it should be a top priority to get the game to new audiences. This could involve porting it to new platforms or finding ways to advertise it because one of the biggest issues right now is the lack of players. Some days, you might even see fewer than four servers and 20 players in the game.

    If these changes are made in the right way and order, I think there's a chance this game can be in a much better state than it is now.

    By the way, let's point out that people shouldn't set their expectations too high. This game might never reach its 2015 glory days because that's in the past, and web browser games are a thing of the past when there are so many free-to-play games on Steam or Epic Games.

    • 98 posts
    June 19, 2024 8:48 AM PDT

    I agree with Psycho, before you implement any changes towards gameplay, focus on performance and cheaters. I suggest you introduce Standalone, something Max couldn't do. This way if you really wanted, you could port the game back to Unity to its old state. I don't know how good Unity is anymore compared to webgl, but I think you can get similar performance from webgl anyways. Right now major issues are that fps is capped to 144, client side performance is terrible, servers need more ram/upgrading, the network code also seems like it needs updating. If you do manage to upgrade servers and port the game to Standalone, remove the FPS cap and add an option in settings for us to cap our fps to whatever we like. 

    • 126 posts
    June 19, 2024 11:06 AM PDT

    listen to Erlaanz Kazuya and Psycho they seem smart, also (preferably after u finish working on bug fixes) a good thing for this game would be just one or two more game modes idk much about programming so this might be really hard but just an FFA or CTF game mode could be really fun good luck again :)

    • 149 posts
    June 19, 2024 12:04 PM PDT

    Where did/would you get the source for warmerise? Just wondering. 

  • iZu
    • 2126 posts
    June 19, 2024 12:22 PM PDT

    I feel like to lessen the amount of people abusing the Guest function in ordwer to ruin games and lobbies with cheating and inappropriate behaviour would to be to either remove or rework the guests and unregistered players.

    • 126 posts
    June 20, 2024 11:27 AM PDT

    and plz plz plz dont remove all the custom maps, then we wouldnt have any Only Sniper maps and there are plenty of other good ones, like Dockyard, SampleScene, Cyclones, Icos, Nuke Town, Knight Templar, and countless others. so PLZ dont remove them or I will be sad :(

    • 29 posts
    June 21, 2024 12:36 AM PDT
    You just have to modernize the game like current games and of course with good performance.
    • 50 posts
    June 21, 2024 1:21 PM PDT

    pokemonster said:

    and plz plz plz dont remove all the custom maps, then we wouldnt have any Only Sniper maps and there are plenty of other good ones, like Dockyard, SampleScene, Cyclones, Icos, Nuke Town, Knight Templar, and countless others. so PLZ dont remove them or I will be sad :(


    • 1 posts
    June 21, 2024 9:15 PM PDT

    "The clan that wins the server will have the ability to kick other members out of the server and can determine which weapons can or cannot be used."

    I don't think this is a good idea, let's say Clan A is in lead of kills and own the server, Clan B wants to surpass but Clan A can prevent it by continously kicking members of Clan B out of the server if they do come across each other and remain in the top spot. If the clan who owns the server is able to instantly kick one member without poll I think there will be conflict from kick abusing. (if clans are beefing they can instantly kick the opposing members etc) 


    I think auto's are fine the way they are and especially Vector, Ump, G36 & Carbine, already OP with the amount of screenshake that autos give you. Like what others said the whole lagswitching/cheating issue at hand should be dealt with first before implementing game balance changes (This is the main issue driving people away) 


    • 29 posts
    June 21, 2024 9:48 PM PDT
    adds more modes like search and destroy, Free For All (All against all).
    This post was edited by zLow at June 21, 2024 9:51 PM PDT
    • 29 posts
    June 21, 2024 9:54 PM PDT
    They could create a ranking on each map such as: Person with the most XP earned on the secrelab map, etc. obviously giving its statistics
    This post was edited by zLow at June 21, 2024 9:55 PM PDT
    • 436 posts
    June 21, 2024 10:01 PM PDT

    FrostedFlakes said:


    "The clan that wins the server will have the ability to kick other members out of the server and can determine which weapons can or cannot be used."

    I don't think this is a good idea, let's say Clan A is in lead of kills and own the server, Clan B wants to surpass but Clan A can prevent it by continously kicking members of Clan B out of the server if they do come across each other and remain in the top spot. If the clan who owns the server is able to instantly kick one member without poll I think there will be conflict from kick abusing. (if clans are beefing they can instantly kick the opposing members etc) 


    I think auto's are fine the way they are and especially Vector, Ump, G36 & Carbine, already OP with the amount of screenshake that autos give you. Like what others said the whole lagswitching/cheating issue at hand should be dealt with first before implementing game balance changes (This is the main issue driving people away) 


    the kicking function on clan servers has to cost kills like in Begone

    • 10 posts
    June 22, 2024 11:43 AM PDT

    xPsycho said:

    If you ask me, instead of changing the balance in the game, you should focus on performance, lag and cheating problems.If the current state of the game continues, i dont think any changes will bring the game back to life.Other than the automatic weapons and knife changes, the other changes look fine imo. I know it is much harder to fix the lag and performance issues, but like i said, the main reason everyone wants the old game back is because the old game felt much smoother and better. You were there too, therefore you know what im talking about and it relaxes me that someone that knows how to play the game will be in charge this time tbh. I trust you my old friend, if there is anyone who can do it, its you.

    I agree with xphysco they should improve the performance of the game before it was very fluid now almost not and also the ping because before the europe reached me at 190 now it goes from 220 to 500

    • 126 posts
    June 24, 2024 8:25 AM PDT

    • 29 posts
    June 24, 2024 10:12 AM PDT

    pokemonster said:

    En ese mapa me deberia ir a algunnos 37 41 fps obviamente inestable.

    • 117 posts
    June 25, 2024 5:53 AM PDT
    Bro so when will ur warmerise will be out kalamar?