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my suggestions

    • 3 posts
    April 30, 2018 5:00 PM PDT

    I've played this a bit, so, here it goes. 


    1) Weapon damage rebalance. Time to kill seems to be all over the place.

    2) Progression system/Unlocks. I get it, max, you gotta keep those people playing, ad revenue and bought xp. I get it. But give some incentives other than "ooooh wie I'm finally able to afford the knuckle dusters". Throw the least popular bought weapons from the store into an unlock tree and call it a day.

    3) A shooting range. Imagine splashing all your grinded XP to get some peashooter you dont like. 'Nuff said.

    4) The hovver. What's the point of a hovering hummer if it drives like a tank on ice? It should be omnidirectional, fixed movement with WASD, and steering with the mouse. Also, a jump button for cheapo rocket league mode.

    5) After death grenades doing damage to on foot enemies. 

    6) Trap mines being remotely activated instead of the way they currently work, as they're the cheapest, less skill based way of killing.

    7) Aimpunch becoming a visual thing instead of it throwing your aim for a bumpy ride. Also, the damage ring seems to be incredibly imprecise.


    That's al, bye fellas. 

    • 523 posts
    May 1, 2018 10:30 AM PDT
    1)some weapons need buffs but for the most part it's okay. UMP is strong enough to contend with everything but the g36 in most cases.
    2) the costs are balanced around having more than 6 players in a server. When the game switched from unity web player to webGL, the framerate tanked for most people and so a lot of people quit. An unlock tree is interesting, though I don't know if we have enough weapons to justify it or what criteria would be used for unlocks.
    3) pick up weapons off the ground. It's the one advantage to having huge weapon costs just that you get plenty of time to try them all before buying.
    4) yep.
    5) yep.
    6) ehhhhh.... I'd rather add a separate c4 item.
    7) the flinch when you're hit? Yeah that's insane and I love it. It gives fast firing weapons with low DPS a chance to survive against straight up better weapons. The cone of fire indicator on the HUD is a little larger than the cone of fire, yes. Using the crosshair dot might be more your taste.

    Thanks for the feedback though! It really helps to get the thoughts of someone who hasn't been playing for years, haha!
    • 609 posts
    May 4, 2018 4:42 PM PDT

    4 seems an interesting suggestion, but in that case i think that vehicle hit collision dmg should be nerfed

    5 makes since but i also 'like' the current system, kinda gives you that thrill to kill the opponent who throw it before you get hit, but, kinda depends on the role youre playing here, kill or killed

    6 as chrono said an item designed for that would be cooler, now, if you said youd like to see a enrf from 3 to 1 consumable (m67, toma, trap) etc etc i'd like to see that, maybe give it a try

    7 its not imprecise i think you're complaining more about the spread

    • 8 posts
    May 5, 2018 4:57 AM PDT
    Could you also add a game mode where you can only use bonbons and secondary weapons (or just bombs) please

    And just could you give the 3 Tomahawk instead of 2 for the special weapon please

    My pc is not powerful enough to play Warmerise (I play at my father's house) but could you soon make sure
    that the less powerful pc can play (I've already given 20Euros and I'm going to re-give 10Euros

    And could you add an Adventure mode online or offline that will make us gain some experience please

    This post was edited by Destruktor at May 5, 2018 5:00 AM PDT
    • 3 posts
    May 5, 2018 5:42 AM PDT

    chrono, here are my responses to your post:

    1) The UMP with its rate of fire is nowhere near the G36 in terms of dps against any of the other weapons. Probably the CPW outclasses it too.

    2) Weapon costs are not balanced at all. Headshot 10xp, carbine 25.000 xp. Go figure.

    3) No, "It's the one advantage to having huge weapon costs just that you get plenty of time to try them all before buying.", this isnt an advantage at all, why? Because you can't properly try new weapons. Pick em off the ground, you say, the fact that weapons picked up have only one magazine to prevent you from only picking guns up instead of buying them, automatically refutes that idea.

    6) So, instead of balancing the most broken item in the game, and reworking it into something that requires skill, you'd rather see a new item introduced. Nice.

    7) Aimpunch literally makes the game unplayable and breaks any possibility of using weapons such as the UMP and the Mini-G. A damage ring is the red ring thingy that indicates the direction of the damage you receive. Its incredibly imprecise, no sterben, I'm not complaining about bullet spread or crosshairs... 

    • 609 posts
    May 5, 2018 5:53 AM PDT

    first, its not suposed for the UMP to come close to the G36 and no, it ain't outclassed by the CPW.

    second, the prices altough high are reasonably balanced, just needs some grind, if you can't take it then i see why you are complaining, its not meant for a guy that plays this once in a while for 1 month to already have the entire loadout.

    that number 3 is kinda messy, but, bottom line is: being able to pick up weapons from the ground is indeed the best way to try them, spend a coin ffs and maybe you won't have just one magazine now, IF you are suggesting a shooting range just for practice, then thats another thing although i still think that the best training is done in servers with real people. and no, thats not an argument to automatically refutes that idea

    The point of the mine is to secure places that the player ain't able to be 24/7 or always protect/see, so, while i do like an item that only activates when we want it (like the c4 Chrono suggested)  i dont think it should be implemented in the mines, NOW, if you say that you'd like to see a reduction on the number of trapmines each player is able to use to prevent a ridiculous spam i could/would agree with you, and there would be already complainings and backlashers, now imagine if your idea was put into place.

    I'm still not understanding what you mean by Aimpunch, if its the flinch that Chrono said i agree with him, its a mechanic to balance weapons for example the L115A3, imagine not flinchin when youre beinh hit, you could scope at a few meters aways an enemy and despite being hit you'd still get the kill, and I don't see whi the Mini-G would be uselless due to it, I mean, the Mini-g IS the ultimate flinch maker.

    and yes the damage source indication (the red thingy that shows were we being hit from) its a bit imprecise indeed i give you that.

    This post was edited by STERBEN99 at May 5, 2018 5:55 AM PDT
    • 523 posts
    May 5, 2018 11:16 AM PDT
    (skipping sterbens post since psycho mentioned me specifically)

    You might like this, I made a spreadsheet with all the weapon DPS and reload values. It's a little old, but most of the data should be accurate:

    1) the ump is perfectly serviceable in skilled hands because of #7: flinch. If a ump user gets the drop on a carbine user, and can keep their aim on target, flinch will ensure that they get the kill while taking minimal damage.

    2) the carbine is a top tier weapon. The minig (which btw has the highest sustained DPS in the game) is much more affordable, and once you replace the terrible pistol and grenades it becomes much easier to farm tdm servers.

    3) you only get one mag to start. You can pick up more, use an armory provided one is nearby. Picking up a full mag+reserve makes little sense realistically and for gameplay. Imagine picking up an RPG and being instantly refilled to 3 rockets every time you found another on the ground.

    6) treating your remote explosive idea as a new weapon makes more sense than applying it to the trapmines. I do agree that the mines need rebalanced, ive been whining about them for years, but completely reworking them and removing their intended behavior is silly. Instead, make a skill based mechanic on the receiving end of a mine. Mines bouce up before exploding right? So why not have them deal 1/2 damage if you're crouched while the mine is exploding? That rewards skilled players while still allowing trapmines users to use them like they always have.

    7) I touched on this in 1, but flinch is the punishment you receive for not shooting first. If someone catches you by surprise, then you have to fight through that flinch to not die. It also encourages you to be moving, making yourself a difficult target to hit.

    Also yeah, the directional damage indicator is broke af.
    • 8 posts
    May 8, 2018 12:27 AM PDT
    1) Could you add a mode where there are no teams until you have to fight (it will be necessary to add spawns) the goal
    is to kill everyone?
    2) To pay real money you need a PayPal account but my mother has a PayPal account but can not remember her password
     (and she can not change it anymore) I would have paid 10Euros but I can not ! Please, you can add the credit card
     purchase option (the option is already there but you must pay with PayPal! Thank you for reading my message.