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Weapon's Upgrade

    • 609 posts
    August 18, 2018 11:20 AM PDT

    • 285 posts
    August 18, 2018 3:56 PM PDT



    It'll be really fun to have some diversity in weapon's strength, makes the gameplay more versatile. 


  • August 19, 2018 4:21 AM PDT
    3 coins for upgrading a common weapon? why not just pick up a carbine from the floor and spend a coin to restock it lmfao
  • August 19, 2018 4:31 AM PDT
    and the types of players to get more coins are the types to generally use guns like carbine so if anything, this would just increase the gap btwn ppl who use powerful guns and those who dont
  • August 19, 2018 8:47 AM PDT

    STERBEN99 said: I am astonished how someone can understand so wrongly such a simple concept. Wow And not reading everything


    lolwut. even reading your small red text thing it still implies that coins are meant to be spent, this sort of thing would only be attractive if max were to make restock ammo worth more than a coin.

    • 539 posts
    August 19, 2018 10:13 AM PDT

    So let's have a chat about damage breakpoints.

    The LSMG3 does 25 limb damage and 33 torso damage. Since for some reason, 0 HP counts as alive that means that you'd need five limb shots or four torso shots to kill a target

    25x4=only 100

    33x3=only 99

    If you increase the damage to either location by one each, suddenly the gun takes only three shots to kill someone unless you hit the limb, in which case it's four. This is because the damage has passed a "breakpoint," a value where it now takes one fewer bullet to kill someone, which tremendously increases it's killing potential.

    26x4= 104

    34x3= 102


    So I'd actually recommend against changing damage values, since it may be VERY easy to break any sort of game balance if an upgrade happens to push a weapon over a breakpoint. Fire rate, ammo capacity, bullet velocity would all be cool things to change but IMO, the coolest thing you could possibly do with this system is to add an XP multiplier to higher tiers. Taking your 5 tier system with T1 being default, add +4 xp to any kill/headshot per level when using that gun. Then at T5, you'll have a +20 XP bonus to reward you for earning and spending 15 coins. This has two main scenarios:
    1) Player does well > Player gets coins > Player is rewarded for skill
    2) Player's team is getting farmed > Player collects coins from fallen teammates > Player still motivated to play despite being farmed.

    • 609 posts
    August 19, 2018 10:47 AM PDT

    -The LSMG3 is indeed a case in which dmg wouldn't be recommended to be increased, but take for example the damage of the UMP? notice also i choose very small values despite messing with all sort of damage (head, torso, limbs) this is also that could be taken in consideration, for example we could just improve the Head damage 

        common's HDmg 37    uncommon's HDmg 37    rare's HDmg 38    epic's HDmg 38    legendary's HDmg 38

    -while changing other things like fire rate (or not) and keeping the rest of the dmg the same

    PS- Reload time decrease is accountable too


    -but as you stated dmg isn't the only thing to be taken in consideration, fire rate, bullet velocity etc are other factors as well, but as I stated this upgrades would be needed to be extra carefully planned for each gun and each tier.


    -Adressing your XP multiplier suggestion I'm more a fan of the point 2 but i like it, although i think the values you expressed are just way too much i also think you meant them to be also suited for the game, once again, all of the values we are dealing here (both in my suggestion and in my comments to your suggestion) are just speculations and could/would be tweaked. Sometinhg that came to my mind is the way we gain coins, its mandatory to phisically get them an I'm actually fine with but i'd like to suggest for the players to get a coin once they do a certain multikill, for example you'd do a triplekill and you'd automatically get the coin in your pocket.

    This post was edited by STERBEN99 at August 19, 2018 4:27 PM PDT
    • 65 posts
    August 20, 2018 7:17 AM PDT

    Some weapons are already op broken this will literally ruin the balance. I can agree to recoil and speed etc.. But increasing damage is literally -1


    • 609 posts
    August 20, 2018 8:30 AM PDT

    Not all guns are are OP, not all guns are broken

    regarding balance, as i've repeatadly stated, there would be the need for an extensite and carefull planning onto which stats to improve and how much, if increase the increase of X weapon's damage then don't do it, choose to improve something else or just improve for example limb torso

    But if on Y's a damage buff wouldn't destabilize it go for it, its simple


    • 539 posts
    August 20, 2018 11:24 AM PDT
    I'm still not convinced that changing damage values is a good idea, especially when none have been provided except for "it would need to be playtested". The weapons are mostly balanced, except for a few that desperately need a buff to keep up: A12/blast gun.

    Reload speed, ammo capacity, Recoil reduction, are all good stats to change, but we would need to see exactly what would be changed on each weapon to judge if it would be balanced or not. The core idea of upgrading a gun is pretty great, we all agree, it's the implementation that needs some work.

    And I'm going to pitch that xp multiplier again, with webgl and the player counts being what they are, we really need a skill based way to increase xp gain
    • 609 posts
    August 20, 2018 3:20 PM PDT

    Exacly, so far im 100% with you, it doesn't make sense to go and increase the dmg values on the carbine (even tho I used it as an example bad) but fire rate could be dealt with for example, even if we where to increase for example carbine's head damage at tier 3 from 27 to 28 it wouldn't make such a big difference.

    And the XP buff would also be a cool idea, as long as it isn't crazy stuff (the same way numbers should be balanced on damage, fire rate, reload time, recoil reduction, ammo capacity etc)

    for example something like: 5xp and then below +1 (which comes from the tire)

    I truly believe that the possibilities are just wild and vast, imagine for example and UMP40 on Legendary, doing some extra good damage, skilled new players would love to see this, altho it would be rare to see such levels since the coin price would increase as the way the tiers go up

    and i think we are overlooking an aspect here, which is that this would encourage players to stay longer in servers






    This post was edited by STERBEN99 at August 20, 2018 3:28 PM PDT