This clan no longer exists! It has been replaced by Full MetalJacket
To Join:
~KillStreak: 40+
~KDR: 1.50+
~Must have t least 2000 kills with L115A3
~Multiclanning is allowed
Ranking: 800 max
application process
Username: Veronica
gender: Female
age: 18
Country: United States
Why do want to join this clan?:
I am the leader of this clan
What are you going to do if you're in the clan?:
Be helpful
Do you meet the requirements, why or why not?:
aplication: sniper
i am a really good sniper so i feel that we could help eachother.
gender: male
age: 15
country: United States of America
why i want to join this clan is because i want to be in a clan that is gonna win not just battles but wars.
i will be your over head protection.
i feel that i meet the requirements because i have gotten one-hundered-ninty-five confirmed kills with a sniper.
application process
Application: weapons specialist
Username: pyrokilla
gender: male
age: 17
Country: United States
Why do want to join this clan?:
I have wanted to be in this clan since it first came out
I have played but not own every gun in this game im a great shot and I dont miss
What are you going to do if you're in the clan?:
make people fear the clan and protect my other membes down on the ground with any weapon
Do you meet the requirements, why or why not?:
I do not I just want to be in this clan so bad and beacausof my work schedule