
Clan Rules:

- No Personal Attacks (In Clan Name, Description or Profile Picture)
- No Inappropriate Clan Names, Profile Pictures or Descriptions
- No Copying / Impersonating other Clan Names, Descriptions or Profile Pictures
- No Trolling

Please keep in mind those rules when creating/editing the clan, to avoid conflicts. Clans that repeatedly break the rules will be removed.
  • 3 members led by Programmer
    KDR MUST BE +3
    RANK +500
  • 44 members led by Steellac
    Hey ! Clan Français pour la détente ! La Bisounours est une Team sympa ^^

    Hum.. Encore une dernière chose, "Never Say Never".

    I|I La Bisounours I|I : Créé le 20/11/19 à 14:49 en France.
  • 4 members led by phillyW
    **** Randall
  • 46 members led by XXX
  • 19 members led by Cyanex
    epictroll peak career:
    losing 2-10 to mikemiz
    and negative KD streaks in Sky
  • 16 members led by joedave39
    1. Your KDR must be 2.0 or above to join this clan
    2. Killstreak must be above 50
    3. If your KDR is not above 2.0 must challenge Clan Leader or Officer
    4. Message Joedave39 to become an officer...  more
  • 41 members led by MarekDilhof
    Come and join us :)
  • 23 members led by KapitanGames
  • 3 members led by kungFuStyle
    its just easy - that's it !
  • 6 members led by xSavage

    •We Look for Professionals at the Art of Killing. We are a family of killers that will become one of the greatest. •If you want to join you will be tested (Auto and Plasma) and only if we acknowledge you are worthy enou...  more