
Clan Rules:

- No Personal Attacks (In Clan Name, Description or Profile Picture)
- No Inappropriate Clan Names, Profile Pictures or Descriptions
- No Copying / Impersonating other Clan Names, Descriptions or Profile Pictures
- No Trolling

Please keep in mind those rules when creating/editing the clan, to avoid conflicts. Clans that repeatedly break the rules will be removed.
  • 38 members led by glen123
  • 137 members led by TheShadowGang
    idk what to put just join if u want we treat people like family here and if anyone doesn't treat u like family in this Clan they will be kicked from the group
  • 18 members led by Axiira
    Be good and you will join. Be kind to others and you will join.
  • 148 members led by XURGERY
    The only one that still left.Mr.Reaper will be resurrection.And join back the war!Open for everyone's and hope you all understand my purpose!
    *This clan wasnt created for pretend to be real or jealous,just for missed those day that I have been once.That I...  more
  • 68 members led by ZXblah
    everyone who is an indian can join.

    no rules but just don't be toxic to any group member
  • 33 members led by Fluttershy
    This is a gathering place for pony lovers
  • 77 members led by JustATestYT

    we are the plasma gods! we main plasma and we use it with care! we are the plasma gods!
  • 12 members led by Fukka
  • 49 members led by Perro999
    Competir sempre,lutar com lealdade, ganhar é um resultado, importante mesmo é a diversão,mas sempre preservando e respeitando os amigos. ( PIKA , Prof Dr, Vingadores ) clãs irmãos!!!
  • 98 members led by QULIYEV
    KDR 1.00
    Send me 5k and i make you officer.