Emanuel1232's Polls

Is it possible to have a 74 killstreack

I viewed a players profile and i got confused
Show Results  |  Share  |  Report  |   |  18 votes  |  472 views
  • Lion7
    Lion7 *dieing
    September 22, 2020
  • Commandment
    Commandment No. You can farm. Almost all of the kill streaks over 90 are farmed.
    September 22, 2020
  • Future757Fantasy51
    Future757Fantasy51 mine wasnt i just joined a noob server and i got ez kills no afk or type kills
    September 22, 2020
  • DragonGod17
    DragonGod17 like Lion7 said, it is very much possible if you have the coins to constantly heal, and if the opposite team is bad/doesnt move often they are pretty much easy kills. I had a match where i had a 32 (i think) kill streak with 0 deaths and it was a 10 minute round.
    September 23, 2020