SilentGamer's Polls

New Modern City

Do you like the new update of Modern City map?
Show Results  |  Share  |  Report  |   |  38 votes  |  456 views
  • kale75
    kale75 Ikr Lukaser. My jokes have been going right over people's heads lately.
    January 25, 2021
  • SilentGamer
    SilentGamer it is 2021! No one has time for jokes I guess
    January 25, 2021
  • SilentGamer
    SilentGamer Back to the topic: Now whenever I play at Modern City I die more than I kill, unlike the previous one. Am I cursed in this one?
    January 25, 2021
  • ESD8864
    ESD8864 I hate it! ! ! What I am most angry about is that there are four more walls, so uncomfortable! ! ! Then comes the resurrection point! ! ! The resurrection point facing the enemy with his back is super bad! ! ! Next is the castle, there is something like a...  more
    January 25, 2021