April 10, 2019 12:37 PM PDT
HIGH ROLLER is a weekly event happening on Fridays nights; Players participating get the chance to compete for W bucks prizes while having fun battling against other players.
The winner is settled by a point system, therefore a referee and/or point tracker must be present (they are also the ones to create the server); The point system is done to minimize the team factor, even though you're playing as a team. There is no such thing as "we" in victory, which means a player in the losing team can be crowned the winner if he/she has the highest point score.
>Kill +1pts >Comeback +2pts* >Headshot +3pts >Ace +6pts >Suicide -2pts
*Comeback: when a player in numerical disadvantage (example 1v3) manages to win the round;
The **** prize pool is obtained by ticket purchase implying that the more players the bigger the prize pool, meaning that on a full house (14 players, since there needs to be 2 open spots for a referee and/or point tracker) the winner can get as much as 12,600 ****!
For questions or in case of interest to participate feel free to contact me through private messages. Do NOT post here
English isn't your native laguage and you have difficulties? try
https://vvcap.com/dy0TPR2Lo (special thanks to TERMINATOR1000)
https://vvcap.com/7WvfsQ6Gh (special thanks to me)
https://vvcap.com/48j5IZsJS (special thanks to Lion7)
https://vvcap.com/xLos8IMhg (special thanks to Faerie)
This post was edited by BANK at April 10, 2019 12:37 PM PDT