March 12, 2019 5:37 AM PDT
Hi all,
This is my first post, but I've been playing for a few months and throroughly enjoying so far - Warmerise has even got me preferring and prioritising it over the latest AAA games!
I would like to make a suggestion for the game duration setting to be a changeable option when creating a new game server.
Currently, 10 minutes is the default unchangeable duration, but for larger maps like DIE-RISE for example, it would be much more immersive, intense and rewarding to have longer gaming sessions before the game ends.
Of course whilst the game does continue right away, it is still a sufficient window for many players to leave the server. It would also be great to reach higher kills throughout a game session!
I do apologise if this has been mentioned before, but I couldn't find a similar suggestion it on the forums or using the search function.
I look forward to hearing all of your opinions, and I'll see you guys in game!