April 15, 2019 7:36 AM PDT
in the topic
New guns in the forum
Bugs & Suggestions
angelrage said:
rayvenflame said:
i alos have three godgun ideas these would be almost impossible to get so theyl be really good
1 god sniper (i dont have real names yet)
dmg 101 all body
ammo 1 round
rate of fire 1 round
price 1000000
gun type sniper
other things 1 round than reload fastest bullet speed in game so you cant snipe from the same spot a thick red laser lasting 3.5 seconds after shot like plasma gun
2 god smg
dmg 20 head 15 body 10 arm/leg
ammo 50 rounds
rate of fire 5 rounds a second
price 1000000
gun type smg
other things none
3 god AR
dmg 35 head 20 body 15arm/leg
ammo 35 rounds
price 1000000
other things would make you slow and reload time is slow as well
sniper idea: "all body" doesn't make sense. head and neck shots do more damage. that's a well-known fact. also, think about the basic sniper weapon. like 26 shots, i think, and 65-75 dmg. Raise the ammo capacity and fire rate and it will be a good weapon. SMG idea: looking at the stats, that's way worse than the basic full auto weapon. raise amo capacity and fire rate. AR idea: increase rof by 3 rps. In like ten seconds, the basic full auto weapon does more total dmg than that on average. P.S. theyl is not a word. I think you meant they'll