Forums » Custom Maps

My map park is released! Go check it out!

    • 19 posts
    July 2, 2020 3:19 PM PDT

    • 1193 posts
    July 3, 2020 12:51 AM PDT
    • 10 posts
    July 3, 2020 1:08 AM PDT

    i killed in basket ball field, i wanted plat grenade basket ball but i kill

    • 19 posts
    July 3, 2020 5:46 AM PDT

    Okay i will try to fix it, thank you SuicideCat

    • 19 posts
    July 3, 2020 6:26 AM PDT

    Map republished, bug fixed. I ask anyone who already voted to vote again this version please.

    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    July 4, 2020 5:05 PM PDT

    Cool map, but I have a couple of suggestions:

    - Slightly increase lighting intensity, right now it's a bit too dark (Go to Window -> Rendering -> Lighting Settings, change Environment Lighting Source to Color (or Gradient if you need more control) then tweak it).
    - Possibly change the skybox to something more sunny and welcoming (would be fitting the playground theme).
    - Preferably avoid placing welcome Camera at the top of the map, instead place it diagonally at around 45-degree angle so players would be able to evaluate the map from the thumbnail.

    • 19 posts
    July 5, 2020 5:02 AM PDT

    Max said:

    Cool map, but I have a couple of suggestions:

    - Slightly increase lighting intensity, right now it's a bit too dark (Go to Window -> Rendering -> Lighting Settings, change Environment Lighting Source to Color (or Gradient if you need more control) then tweak it).
    - Possibly change the skybox to something more sunny and welcoming (would be fitting the playground theme).
    - Preferably avoid placing welcome Camera at the top of the map, instead place it diagonally at around 45-degree angle so players would be able to evaluate the map from the thumbnail.

    Okay Max, thank you for the suggestions. I will make the improvements you suggested. I have a question: when I unpublish the map for updating it i lose all the votes i got... Is it possible to do it without losing the votes?

    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    July 5, 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    Xeyal said:

    Okay Max, thank you for the suggestions. I will make the improvements you suggested. I have a question: when I unpublish the map for updating it i lose all the votes i got... Is it possible to do it without losing the votes?

    Player votes are only applied to the version of the map they played on (unless the map is approved, in which case the votes remain, even after update). The votes are reset because there is no way to determine if the new map is the same as before, or was completely changed, making the past votes not applicable.

    This post was edited by Admin at July 5, 2020 10:46 AM PDT
    • 19 posts
    July 5, 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    Okay, I understand thank you. 

    • 19 posts
    July 5, 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    Guys the map is updated, i ask you to please go vote for the last time thank you.

    • 8 posts
    July 5, 2020 7:41 PM PDT

    11.95 for a burger combo?!? Outrageous!

    But seriously after running around the map I'm looking forward to playing it online. Will vote up.

    • 19 posts
    July 6, 2020 2:54 AM PDT

    Muurdoc said:

    11.95 for a burger combo?!? Outrageous!

    But seriously after running around the map I'm looking forward to playing it online. Will vote up.

    That's a very expensive place :P. Jokes apart, thank you for your feedback!

    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    July 6, 2020 4:20 PM PDT

    Just noticed, you're not using any Directional Light. You should not rely just on Color from Lighting Settings as it will look unnatural.