agent743 said:agent743 said:agent743 said:ok this is getting bad now i found one the carbine haters in this game
i have screenshots but p.s. he won't tell who is one of the registered players to be murdered in real life there was just few of others and myself here but i kept following him and found out he is gonna murder anyone who uses carbine
so here are the screenshots of carbine haters:
he joined spectator in the 1st screenshot because he was very bad when people plays with carbines then he join blue team to tell him/her that he found someone's house address, so please just reduce carbine's damage or it will be more bad if he sees more carbine farmers grinding for xps (i had to censor it so no one knows his/hers hácked house address) then i react like :O because i never know if carbine hater is a hácker or not so this is what i knew this would happen i knew this would be some chances that háckers or ip grabbers will find carbine farmer's homes
oh man please don't be me i don't want to get murdered, i'm not joking he is a hater in here so if i see him again i will leave straight away if i don't want to get hácked
also i forgot i think he is yelling because i think he is really bad killing carbine farmers
so i was searching in youtube but i found one of the websites that carbine hater is looking for and wants to learn it ( go see it for your selves )
You uncultured swines, those are bullshlt lol
agent743 said:people will abuse me then XDalso please update the shield its good but bit useless: the corners,that could be easily kill anyone with a shield and a corner left for us to kill so please make a weird shield to square shape shield so people would not get annoyed by that weird shield shape
Eve said:agent743 said:agent743 said:agent743 said:ok this is getting bad now i found one the carbine haters in this game
i have screenshots but p.s. he won't tell who is one of the registered players to be murdered in real life there was just few of others and myself here but i kept following him and found out he is gonna murder anyone who uses carbine
so here are the screenshots of carbine haters:
he joined spectator in the 1st screenshot because he was very bad when people plays with carbines then he join blue team to tell him/her that he found someone's house address, so please just reduce carbine's damage or it will be more bad if he sees more carbine farmers grinding for xps (i had to censor it so no one knows his/hers hácked house address) then i react like :O because i never know if carbine hater is a hácker or not so this is what i knew this would happen i knew this would be some chances that háckers or ip grabbers will find carbine farmer's homes
oh man please don't be me i don't want to get murdered, i'm not joking he is a hater in here so if i see him again i will leave straight away if i don't want to get hácked
also i forgot i think he is yelling because i think he is really bad killing carbine farmers
so i was searching in youtube but i found one of the websites that carbine hater is looking for and wants to learn it ( go see it for your selves )
You uncultured swines, those are bullshlt lol
also kill your self piece of shlt
wow u toxic
Eve said:i think the carbine finds home this website just watch if he is not using that web just look at this vid said:agent743 said:agent743 said:ok this is getting bad now i found one the carbine haters in this game
i have screenshots but p.s. he won't tell who is one of the registered players to be murdered in real life there was just few of others and myself here but i kept following him and found out he is gonna murder anyone who uses carbine
so here are the screenshots of carbine haters:
he joined spectator in the 1st screenshot because he was very bad when people plays with carbines then he join blue team to tell him/her that he found someone's house address, so please just reduce carbine's damage or it will be more bad if he sees more carbine farmers grinding for xps (i had to censor it so no one knows his/hers hácked house address) then i react like :O because i never know if carbine hater is a hácker or not so this is what i knew this would happen i knew this would be some chances that háckers or ip grabbers will find carbine farmer's homes
oh man please don't be me i don't want to get murdered, i'm not joking he is a hater in here so if i see him again i will leave straight away if i don't want to get hácked
also i forgot i think he is yelling because i think he is really bad killing carbine farmers
so i was searching in youtube but i found one of the websites that carbine hater is looking for and wants to learn it ( go see it for your selves )
You uncultured swines, those are bullshlt lol
THIS IS VERY BAD,that user who put random name just to pretend he doesnt know (he already dont know but to pretend he wants to share my identity)
so please max just ban this user "j" to "d"
also u must add an option to ban a user that reveals people's real life name like this:
"there is a report of a user andrew999 revealing personal identity" then there is an options, so it will be "why do you want to ban the user andrew999 for reason?" then it will be "making an account that you reveal user's identity
please add an option to ban any rare users that might reveal people's name
(this is not a joke my name is jawad and this user just revealed my real life name, now i am feeling like he is going to share my identity to players that i don't want him to, if this keeps on and everyone knows my name without knowing my face, very bad its worse and i am gonna be so... i dont know like raging up to teach other players to not see my identity)
FilipKingMVP said:bro
theres a dude with name filipkingmvp is t r a s h and he keeps following meand insulting me
should that be illegal,thats legit harrasment
he keeps joining me all the time and insults me
i left for half a year because of it
do u mean the copied name?
agent743 said:if you are really jawad Hack his account and log in and delete it
THIS IS VERY BAD,that user who put random name just to pretend he doesnt know (he already dont know but to pretend he wants to share my identity)
so please max just ban this user "j" to "d"
also u must add an option to ban a user that reveals people's real life name like this:
"there is a report of a user andrew999 revealing personal identity" then there is an options, so it will be "why do you want to ban the user andrew999 for reason?" then it will be "making an account that you reveal user's identity
please add an option to ban any rare users that might reveal people's name
(this is not a joke my name is jawad and this user just revealed my real life name, now i am feeling like he is going to share my identity to players that i don't want him to, if this keeps on and everyone knows my name without knowing my face, very bad its worse and i am gonna be so... i dont know like raging up to teach other players to not see my identity)
CJDIA said:agent743 said:if you are really jawad Hack his account and log in and delete it
THIS IS VERY BAD,that user who put random name just to pretend he doesnt know (he already dont know but to pretend he wants to share my identity)
so please max just ban this user "j" to "d"
also u must add an option to ban a user that reveals people's real life name like this:
"there is a report of a user andrew999 revealing personal identity" then there is an options, so it will be "why do you want to ban the user andrew999 for reason?" then it will be "making an account that you reveal user's identity
please add an option to ban any rare users that might reveal people's name
(this is not a joke my name is jawad and this user just revealed my real life name, now i am feeling like he is going to share my identity to players that i don't want him to, if this keeps on and everyone knows my name without knowing my face, very bad its worse and i am gonna be so... i dont know like raging up to teach other players to not see my identity)
u know someone might ask max to ban me if i do that
agent743 said:i think you need to report him to max so he can be bannedCJDIA said:agent743 said:if you are really jawad Hack his account and log in and delete it
THIS IS VERY BAD,that user who put random name just to pretend he doesnt know (he already dont know but to pretend he wants to share my identity)
so please max just ban this user "j" to "d"
also u must add an option to ban a user that reveals people's real life name like this:
"there is a report of a user andrew999 revealing personal identity" then there is an options, so it will be "why do you want to ban the user andrew999 for reason?" then it will be "making an account that you reveal user's identity
please add an option to ban any rare users that might reveal people's name
(this is not a joke my name is jawad and this user just revealed my real life name, now i am feeling like he is going to share my identity to players that i don't want him to, if this keeps on and everyone knows my name without knowing my face, very bad its worse and i am gonna be so... i dont know like raging up to teach other players to not see my identity)
u know someone might ask max to ban me if i do that
CJDIA said:agent743 said:i think you need to report him to max so he can be bannedCJDIA said:agent743 said:if you are really jawad Hack his account and log in and delete it
THIS IS VERY BAD,that user who put random name just to pretend he doesnt know (he already dont know but to pretend he wants to share my identity)
so please max just ban this user "j" to "d"
also u must add an option to ban a user that reveals people's real life name like this:
"there is a report of a user andrew999 revealing personal identity" then there is an options, so it will be "why do you want to ban the user andrew999 for reason?" then it will be "making an account that you reveal user's identity
please add an option to ban any rare users that might reveal people's name
(this is not a joke my name is jawad and this user just revealed my real life name, now i am feeling like he is going to share my identity to players that i don't want him to, if this keeps on and everyone knows my name without knowing my face, very bad its worse and i am gonna be so... i dont know like raging up to teach other players to not see my identity)
u know someone might ask max to ban me if i do that
idk bout this,i might get banned for false report
agent743 said:i should read the terms of serviceCJDIA said:agent743 said:i think you need to report him to max so he can be bannedCJDIA said:agent743 said:if you are really jawad Hack his account and log in and delete it
THIS IS VERY BAD,that user who put random name just to pretend he doesnt know (he already dont know but to pretend he wants to share my identity)
so please max just ban this user "j" to "d"
also u must add an option to ban a user that reveals people's real life name like this:
"there is a report of a user andrew999 revealing personal identity" then there is an options, so it will be "why do you want to ban the user andrew999 for reason?" then it will be "making an account that you reveal user's identity
please add an option to ban any rare users that might reveal people's name
(this is not a joke my name is jawad and this user just revealed my real life name, now i am feeling like he is going to share my identity to players that i don't want him to, if this keeps on and everyone knows my name without knowing my face, very bad its worse and i am gonna be so... i dont know like raging up to teach other players to not see my identity)
u know someone might ask max to ban me if i do that
idk bout this,i might get banned for false report