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    • 415 posts
    December 29, 2022 3:22 AM PST

    Narkirei said:

    i said stop.

    Who are u to asking for stop

    • 250 posts
    December 29, 2022 4:22 AM PST
    Can you please stop starting fights once and for all? Just shut the HECK up and mind your own business
    • 96 posts
    December 29, 2022 4:29 AM PST

    i assure u he never listens because thats just who he is lmfao

    • 415 posts
    December 29, 2022 4:37 AM PST

    xXBigBadWolFXx said: Can you please stop starting fights once and for all? Just shut the HECK up and mind your own business

    Mind your own business to always begging for czh and come here to become hero go do your work of begging czh in game

    This post was edited by Akhtar at December 29, 2022 4:46 AM PST
    • 96 posts
    December 29, 2022 4:40 AM PST

    not gonna lie but begging is so much better than being a maniac and starting fights for no reason

    • 415 posts
    December 29, 2022 4:45 AM PST

    Narkirei said:

    not gonna lie but begging is so much better than being a maniac and starting fights for no reason

    There is a reason ******* isterio speak against religion and family ask to do igf she is right why she isnt replying bcz she is wrong ask Isterio to do this if she is right

    haha look how you change to other side she fil this i promise my god  and my religion Islam doesnt allow to do fake promise like Isterio religion understand if u say that its not right so give me proof and ask Isterio to Promise that if this form is real i ask my god to send me to hell ask Isterio to do this

    ask to do this when i ask Isterio to do after this she dont reply it means she is gauranteed 100% wrong

    • 250 posts
    December 29, 2022 4:47 AM PST
    braveboy said:

    xXBigBadWolFXx said: Can you please stop starting fights once and for all? Just shut the HECK up and mind your own business

    Mind your own business to always begging for czh and come here to become hero go do your work of begging czh

    • 415 posts
    December 29, 2022 4:48 AM PST

    Isterio do this if you are right you arnt doing bcz you are wrong

    do this 

    haha look how you change to other side she fil this i promise my god  and my religion Islam doesnt allow to do fake promise like Isterio religion understand if u say that its not right so give me proof and ask Isterio to Promise that if this form is real i ask my god to send me to hell ask Isterio to do this

    why not replying and not doing bcz you are wrong just do it if you are right you are gauranteed 100% wrong

    • 96 posts
    December 29, 2022 4:50 AM PST

    yeah at this point you're just spamming the forums which is against the rules

    • 250 posts
    December 29, 2022 4:50 AM PST
    braveboy said:

    Isterio do this if you are right you arnt doing bcz you are wrong

    do this 

    haha look how you change to other side she fil this i promise my god  and my religion Islam doesnt allow to do fake promise like Isterio religion understand if u say that its not right so give me proof and ask Isterio to Promise that if this form is real i ask my god to send me to hell ask Isterio to do this

    why not replying and not doing bcz you are wrong just do it if you are right you are gauranteed 100% wrong

    You talk as if she was on Warmerise 24/7 nonstop
    • 415 posts
    December 29, 2022 4:53 AM PST

    Narkirei said:

    yeah at this point you're just spamming the forums which is against the rules

    No spamm i come with proof ask Isterio to do this if she is right if she right she need to do she dont do bcz she is wrong no spam speaking against my family and my religion Islam . i cannot be quit against Islam Earth is full of people who speak against Islam why i quit if speak against Islam . If i speak against christianity and jews and athiest you all became angry so how i cannot 

    • 250 posts
    December 29, 2022 4:58 AM PST
    Isterio did nothing wrong (at least now) so what the heck are you talking about. This fight that YOU started came literally out of nowhere
    • 415 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:04 AM PST

    xXBigBadWolFXx said: Isterio did nothing wrong (at least now) so what the heck are you talking about. This fight that YOU started came literally out of nowhere


    You dont know anything accept begging for czh in game and you come now you dont read starting comments just know how to begg for czh in game and Isterio is wrong bcz if she is right so why she isnt doing what i said you dont know anytthing and come here to be a hera awake from dream and see mirror you are a zero i dont start she fil form for my clan badly with taking against my religion and my family so mind your business of begging czh  in game and go to playland this forum is not for kids who dont know anything ok now comment if u know something xdwolfxd

    • 96 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:04 AM PST

    proof proof antimuslim antimuslim bla bla who tf cares. she already got banned for that and she never used profanity ever since so you shouldnt bring up a past for your excuse of continuous insult against her

    • 96 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:05 AM PST

    ayo she filled the form of that random npc clan called captain wtf? send proof ples thenks :D

    • 415 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:07 AM PST

    Narkirei said:

    proof proof antimuslim antimuslim bla bla who tf cares. she already got banned for that and she never used profanity ever since so you shouldnt bring up a past for your excuse of continuous insult against her

    Yes she is anti muslim and the way you talk ima thinking you tooo ok do your work be in limit you dont know anything and come here as hero but wake up see mirror alredy zero ok she start fight first she ask my m0m monkey tf you dont know anything just if she is right so why she isnot doing what i said she is 100% wrong bcz she isnt doing ok

    • 250 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:08 AM PST
    braveboy said:

    xXBigBadWolFXx said: Isterio did nothing wrong (at least now) so what the heck are you talking about. This fight that YOU started came literally out of nowhere


    You dont know anything accept begging for czh in game and you come now you dont read starting comments just know how to begg for czh in game and Isterio is wrong bcz if she is right so why she isnt doing what i said you dont know anytthing and come here to be a hera awake from dream and see mirror you are a zero i dont start she fil form for my clan badly with taking against my religion and my family so mind your business of begging czh  in game and go to playland this forum is not for kids who dont know anything ok now comment if u know something xdwolfxd

    Your brain has extra strength bonding glue to everything that people do wrong in the PAST and sticky notes glue to what those same people are trying to improve from their mistakes
    • 96 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:08 AM PST

    she called your mom a monkey because you called her mom a cross deer donkey are you on drugs dawg?

    • 250 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:10 AM PST
    Just disappear completely from this game
    • 415 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:11 AM PST

    Narkirei said:

    she called your mom a monkey because you called her mom a cross deer donkey are you on drugs dawg?

    But look at comment first she ask monkey after she ask then my comment is posted later ok

    • 415 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:13 AM PST

    Look how this Isterio fill form and speak against my religion and family

    • 480 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:17 AM PST

    I have gotten 53 updates from this forum alone overnight, this isn't the place to be bringing violence here, if you have a problem go spam this garbage elsewhere in a different forum, I advise you not to though since you might all end up banned.

    • 96 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:20 AM PST
    she speaks with proper grammar and manners lol. obviously this isnt her regarding about how she talks and shi. i know you told someone to impersonate me and then find trouble. i know everything my man
    • 415 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:22 AM PST

    Narkirei said: she speaks with proper grammar and manners lol. obviously this isnt her regarding about how she talks and shi. i know you told someone to impersonate me and then find trouble. i know everything my man

    She dont stay in circle of manners or grammmer ******* Isterio talk against my religion and my family if u guys dont forget i also upload a forum topic a 3 weeks ago in which she also talk against my religion and ask badthings

    • 1194 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:29 AM PST

    Shoes mad.