@Max glen123 should really be banned, No offence but i guess this glen user is on some type of drugs.
Check this poll too: https://warmerise.com/polls/view/5969 (glen123's poll)
He's aswell very similar to https://warmerise.com/profile/wooooo and https://warmerise.com/profile/chuggies23 (non-normal people)
@Max also: https://warmerise.com/profile/chuggies23 (take a look about this profile)
Xniceplayer said:this girl or guy is toxic in a lto of server and even in home page sending disgusting pics and disgusting comments like
Xnice that was not Xnice of you.
Glen is a troll and not toxic. He makes a lot of ****** references but I do not see him offending people or being toxic